Key Differences in Inazuma Eleven Go Galaxy

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.09.2013

Key Differences in Inazuma Eleven Go Galaxy on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

There'll be two versions of Inazuma Eleven Go Galaxy hitting Nintendo 3DS, but what will be the differences in each version?

Level-5 will release the latest chapter in the popular footy simulation in December, again splitting the title into two distinct editions in a similar approach to Nintendo's Pokémon series. According to Siliconera, the key differences in each are the theme song, rival character and the extra support players that can be recruited.

In Inazuma Eleven Go Galaxy: Super Nova, Sachez is the rival, and "BigBang!" would be the main theme song. In Inazuma Eleven Go Galaxy: Super Nova, the rival is Acrous with the tilte theme, you guessed it, "Super Nova!".

Both games will be released in Japan on December 5th.

Box art for Inazuma Eleven Go Galaxy: Super Nova / Big Bang





Turn Based RPG



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