Nintendo Highlights 3DS and Wii U Sales Figures for US

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.09.2013

Nintendo Highlights 3DS and Wii U Sales Figures for US on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has outlined sales figures for key releases and evergreen titles on Nintendo 3DS and Wii U.

This year has been a strong one for Nintendo 3DS in both software and hardware sales. The console, which will soon see a third model, is the highest selling hardware platform in the US for the fourth month running.

The highest performing launch this year so far has been Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, followed by Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Fire Emblem Awakening. though Luigi's Mansion has had a head start by releasing within the first quarter this year.

Legacy titles like New Super Mario Bros. 2 and Mario Kart 7 have also continued to sell well, bringing their lifetime sales titles ever-closer to the three million mark.

The following games sold at least 250,000 units this year in both physical/digital form:

[tbody][tr][td vclass="top" width="233"][p class="center"]Title

[td vclass="top" width="102"][p class="center"]Launch Date

[td vclass="top" width="102"][p class="center"]2013 Sales

[td vclass="top" width="123"][p class="center"]Lifetime Sales

[td vclass="top" width="233"][p]Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon

[td vclass="top" width="102"][p class="center"]3/24/13

[td vclass="top" width="102"][p class="center"]863,000 units

[td vclass="top" width="123"][p class="center"] 

[td vclass="top" width="233"][p]Animal Crossing: New Leaf

[td vclass="top" width="102"][p class="center"]6/9/13

[td vclass="top" width="102"][p class="center"]739,000 units

[td vclass="top" width="123"][p class="center"] 

[td vclass="top" width="233"][p]New Super Mario Bros. 2

[td vclass="top" width="102"][p class="center"]8/19/12

[td vclass="top" width="102"][p class="center"]406,000 units

[td vclass="top" width="123"][p class="center"]1.85 million units

[td vclass="top" width="233"][p]Fire Emblem Awakening

[td vclass="top" width="102"][p class="center"]2/4/13

[td vclass="top" width="102"][p class="center"]390,000 units

[td vclass="top" width="123"][p class="center"] 

[td vclass="top" width="233"][p]Mario Kart 7

[td vclass="top" width="102"][p class="center"]12/4/11

[td vclass="top" width="102"][p class="center"]352,000 units

[td vclass="top" width="123"][p class="center"]2.84 million units

[td vclass="top" width="233"][p]Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity

[td vclass="top" width="102"][p class="center"]3/24/13

[td vclass="top" width="102"][p class="center"]298,000 units

[td vclass="top" width="123"][p class="center"] 

[td vclass="top" width="233"][p]Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D

[td vclass="top" width="102"][p class="center"]5/24/13

[td vclass="top" width="102"][p class="center"]268,000 units

[td vclass="top" width="123"][p class="center"] 

[td vclass="top" width="233"][p]Super Mario 3D Land

[td vclass="top" width="102"][p class="center"]11/13/11

[td vclass="top" width="102"][p class="center"]265,000 units

[td vclass="top" width="123"][p class="center"]2.86 million units

[td vclass="top" width="233"][p]LEGO City Undercover: The Chase Begins

[td vclass="top" width="102"][p class="center"]4/21/13

[td vclass="top" width="102"][p class="center"]264,000 units

[td vclass="top" width="123"][p class="center"] 

Mario & Luigi: Dream Team has sold almost 190,000 units since landing on US shores on August 11th.

There are still a handful of expected high-sellers to come before the end of the year, including Pokémon X and Pokémon Y, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds and Mario Party: Island Tour. With the Nintendo 2DS also launching this year, these key Nintendo-published titles should gain momentum from consumers who may have held off from a 3DS purchase so far.

Nintendo also highlighted a handful og Wii U sales - including Pikmin 3 tallying up 115,000 units since August 4th and New Super Luigi U selling 120,000 units in both physical/digital.


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