Child of Light Confirmed for Wii U, Debut Trailer and Screenshots

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.09.2013 5

Child of Light Confirmed for Wii U, Debut Trailer and Screenshots on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Despite the absence of some Ubisoft games on Wii U, the publisher has announced Child of Light, a new platformer, for Wii U.

The game will use the same UbiArt Framework as Rayman Legends, blending traditional RPG battles with stunning concept art. It revolves around a princess known as Aurora, a girl that's found herself trapped within a dream. Why? Because the Black Queen has decided to steal the Sun, Moon and the Stars. The visual engine brings a sublime, colorful watercolour approach to the look, blending concept art with gameplay.

Image for Child of Light Confirmed for Wii U, Debut Trailer and Screenshots
Image for Child of Light Confirmed for Wii U, Debut Trailer and Screenshots

Whilst it'll mainly be a single-player design, a second player can step into the action to control a floating fairy as a helper in battles.

In addition to Wii U, Child of Light was confirmed for PC, XBox One, PS3, Xbox 360, PS4 and PC.



What are your thoughts on Child of Light for Wii U?

Box art for Child of Light





Turn Based RPG



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This is good news! I was really hoping this would show up on the Wii U. It looks... stunning. That is really the only way I can put it. Stunning. 

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

Stunning, absolutely magical! That game even surpasses Rayman.
Thanks for bringing at least this one to Wii U. I will get it and look forward to it, absolutely doing so!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Hard not to be impressed with this one! Count me in as a buyer on my WiiU! Stunning!

When in doubt....Whip it out!

Beautiful, wow, it's the best time to play games now these graphics can be done on the new consoles! I am looking forward to this. Smilie

Rodger Ramjet (guest) 11.09.2013#5

This looks brilliant! Going to get this for sure on Wii U. The eShop is growing in stature these days and constantly evolving into one of the best digital stores. 

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