Mega Charizard, Mega Blastoise and Mega Venusaur Confirmed for Pokémon X and Y

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.09.2013 11

Mega Charizard, Mega Blastoise and Mega Venusaur Confirmed for Pokémon X and Y on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Three new Mega Evolutions have been revealed during the latest Nintendo Direct: Mega Charizard, Blastoise and Venusaur.

Nintendo will be shaking up tradition by having a new way to meet trainers, Junichi Masuda confirmed during a Pokémon broadcast today. Instead of visiting the region's Pokémon professor at the start of Pokémon X and Pokémon Y, new trainers will receive their first critter from a friend.

Image for Mega Charizard, Mega Blastoise and Mega Venusaur Confirmed for Pokémon X and Y

Meeting the professor will come later, who will then give the trainer a choice of three of the first-generation starters: Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur.

These three can evolve beyond their final states in battles too, going Mega providing the Pokémon has a Mega Stone and the trainer has this new wrist bracelet dealy. 

Which of the three first-generation starters will you pick - be sure to vote in our poll below!

Box art for Pokémon X and Y

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A toughie, but I'll have to go for either Charmander or Squirtle! Man, I do love those three.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Damn it, how am I supposed to justify having two fire starters now? Maybe I'll use Charizard as a substitute for the generic early bird Pokémon which is Fire/Flying as well IIRC.

Phil (guest) 04.09.2013#3

I'd say that Mega Blastoise looks the best...but still going to go with Charmander. Charizard is undeniably awesome.

It'd be great if Mega Charizard changes his flying type to dragon. 

Phil (guest) said:
It'd be great if Mega Charizard changes his flying type to dragon. 

Unfortunately, it's still Fire/Flying Smilie confirmed on the Pokémon website I believe.

Hello Stealth Rock!

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OMG! Smilie
Who to go for!? :s

I hope that people who enter XY thanks to these classic starters use the opportunity to try to like the new mons too. Pokémon games are always best when all Gens coexist imo, so it'd be great if old fans found some new Pokémon to love despite their preconceptions.

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Since we get Torchic at the start that means I'll have 3 fire type pokemon xD I might as well become a gym leader.

L said:
Since we get Torchic at the start that means I'll have 3 fire type pokemon xD I might as well become a gym leader.

Oh god, I forgot the Torchic...I'm screwed. Smilie

Rollsy (guest) 04.09.2013#9

Starter: Froakie
1st Gen Starter: Bulbasaur
Free Gift Torchic

Game isn't even out yet and I have half my team planned! Probably going to have some kind of Fairy-type in my team but I'll swap it out for Xerneas once I get him.

Nick (guest) 05.09.2013#10

Great >.< I wanted to get that Torchic with the giveaway and pick Froakie, but now I want Squirtle too so I guess the only thing to do is pick Chespin. 

L said:
Since we get Torchic at the start that means I'll have 3 fire type pokemon xD I might as well become a gym leader.

Aw man me too. Mega Charizard is just too awesome for me not to choose charmander.


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