Store Pokémon in the Cloud with Pokémon Bank

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.09.2013 8

Store Pokémon in the Cloud with Pokémon Bank on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have announced a cloud based storage for Pokémon X and Pokémon Y trainers called Pokémon Bank.

In the new software, which resides on the internet, will allow players to store up to 300 Pokémon, across 100 boxes, online.

Image for Store Pokémon in the Cloud with Pokémon Bank

Pokémon fans who have older games like Pokémon Black, White, Black 2 and White 2, an additional piece of software called PokéTransporter, will allow existing Pokémon to be transferred to the Pokémon Bank for use in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y.

The idea initially started with an experiment with Pokémon Crystal, where the team wanted to use a data cable. The service will come with an annual cost, however, Iwata confirmed to ensure the service will be maintained.

What do you think of this cloud-based approach to storing Pokémon in Pokémon Bank?

Box art for Pokémon X and Y

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Pokémon fans who have older games like Pokémon Black, White, Black 2 and White 2, an additional piece of software called PokéTransporter, will allow existing Pokémon to be transferred to the Pokémon Bank for use in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y.
Does this mean we'll have to pay for this service just to transfer our old Pokémon? I sure hope not.

SirLink said:
Pokémon fans who have older games like Pokémon Black, White, Black 2 and White 2, an additional piece of software called PokéTransporter, will allow existing Pokémon to be transferred to the Pokémon Bank for use in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y.
Does this mean we'll have to pay for this service just to transfer our old Pokémon? I sure hope not.

It does indeed, and I'm livid.

I pray there's another method to transfer Pokémon from Gen5 because I refuse to pay for something I've always been able to do for free before.

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SuperLink said:
It does indeed, and I'm livid.

I pray there's another method to transfer Pokémon from Gen5 because I refuse to pay for something I've always been able to do for free before.

They should at least have a free trial period or something as all I really want is to transfer all my old Pokémon from Black 2. I sure as hell don't feel like giving up my complete Gen V Pokédex!!

SirLink said:
They should at least have a free trial period or something as all I really want is to transfer all my old Pokémon from Black 2. I sure as hell don't feel like giving up my complete Gen V Pokédex!!

There is a free trial period, but for me, someone who wants to use transfer to fill the Pokédex for things I can't get in Kalos, a trial period is too limited.

Still, supposedly it's to prevent people from sending hacked Pokémon to Gen6. There has been a huge problem with hacked Pokémon in online battles and tournaments since forever, but now they finally have a chance to stop people from using them by adding a layer of surveillance to the transfer process.

Makes sense to me. Fighting hacked Pokémon is really annoying, so I'm happy they're making big efforts to make them obsolete.

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Darkflame (guest) 04.09.2013#5

Paying to store is fine. I understand storing upto 3000 pokemon per player for (what they claim) will be human generations is going to cost.

But to transfer? That doesn't need a server AT ALL. They are forcing Banks use to justify the fee, and that's reprehensible.

Didn't G/S introduce the bank? Or was it already in Blue/Red?
Either way, real life is slowly turning into the Pokémon games!

Am hoping there's another way to transfer Pokémon B/W and not just transferring - there must be!

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