2DS to 3DS Comparision, Lifestyle Pictures

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.08.2013 5

2DS to 3DS Comparision, Lifestyle Pictures on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Just how large is the new Nintendo 2DS console? See a handful of lifestyle pictures plus a Nintendo 3DS comparison.

The new Nintendo 2DS made headlines today, a brand new addition to the DS line that's essentially a tablet-esque 3DS that removes the 3D functionality. It can play all 3DS/DS games, plus supports the usual 3DS software like StreetPass. Interestingly, the 2DS appears to be a single screen that's been split off thanks to clever hardware masking.

Image for 2DS to 3DS Comparision, Lifestyle Pictures

The initial images of the hardware can be hard to make a comparison - just how big is the Nintendo 2DS? Will it fit in a pocket? Is it as large as an iPad?

EuroGamer has compared the 2DS to the Nintendo 3DS and 3DS XL for a visual look at just how the new hardware scales up.

Image for 2DS to 3DS Comparision, Lifestyle Pictures

Nintendo US have posted a handful of lifestyle images alongside today's announcement, some of which include others playing on the XL hardware. The 2DS appears to sit fairly comfortably in the palms, with the main grip distributed along the centre of the unit, compared to the base of the original 3DS and XL.

Image for 2DS to 3DS Comparision, Lifestyle Pictures
Image for 2DS to 3DS Comparision, Lifestyle Pictures
Image for 2DS to 3DS Comparision, Lifestyle Pictures

What are your thoughts on the size and shape of the new Nintendo 2DS?

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What's the resolution on the screen now that the 3D is gone. Before it was 800x something. Is it now only 400x ? Or what?

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I would assume the top resolution would drop to 400x240. No reason for 800x240 without 3D.

The real question becomes - if people actually accept this form factor - why two screens instead of one big one? At least with a clam shell design it makes sense to separate the screens. Now it just looks weird and unnatural. The design might *technically* be one big screen, but a new consumer without an understanding of the lineage of this system is going to wonder what the hell is going on.

( Edited 29.08.2013 03:53 by Jacob4000 )

This is for kids under 7 who can't use the 3D yet the system is rated 7+ hehe

So...it's a Nintendo DS...only less attractive, less easily stored, more easily scratched, and pretty much all around inconvenient, with the 3DS operating system.

Good luck getting those 3DS games to work on a DS. On and online. Oh and Streetpass, oh and... 

The 3D isn't what defines the 3DS. 

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