New Wii U GamePad Battery Lasts Over 5 Hours

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.08.2013 6

New Wii U GamePad Battery Lasts Over 5 Hours on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo's bigger Wii U GamePad battery seems to bring a far bigger amount of juice for gamers hungry for extended wireless action.

Despite being fully operational when tethered to a charging station, there have been many complaints from Wii U owners that the default battery, which is removable, doesn't last very long whilst playing. The newer battery pack, which now sits horizontally instead of vertically, offers 2550mAh of juice - far more than the default 1500mAh. The original ran between 3-5 hours, with the newer capacity extending that figure to between 5-8 hours.

Image for New Wii U GamePad Battery Lasts Over 5 Hours

Japanese website Game Watch tried out the new battery, with highest brightness, power-saving disabled and the Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate movie playing over, and over. The time before the controller powered-down was 5 hours and twelve minutes, compared to 3 hours.

No additional/larger back cover seems to be required (as with some battery  backs), as the battery just about fits within the extra space inside the controller itself.


Would you upgrade your Wii U battery for extra play time?

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Sounds good to me, the original GamePad battery is lasting me only a good 2-3 hours on average really.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I want to have this - when does in come out in Europe?

But why should I scrap the cover of the battery? I don't want to have it's ugly face gracing the backside of my Gamepad...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Laurelin said:
I want to have this - when does in come out in Europe?

But why should I scrap the cover of the battery? I don't want to have it's ugly face gracing the backside of my Gamepad...

What are you talking about? It clearly mentions you don't need an additional cover as the battery fits in without have to have a new cover that bulges out.

How much more does this weigh than the original battery? I don't want my Upad to become much heavier.

I think they should tinker the options a little bit, i think things like being able to turn off the game pad screen in certain games/apps (like in LoveFilm, i don't use the screen when i am watching something)

Also the brightness sometimes gets to me, should be able to turn it down! 

That would at least buy a few hours!

irfy said:
Laurelin said:
I want to have this - when does in come out in Europe?

But why should I scrap the cover of the battery? I don't want to have it's ugly face gracing the backside of my Gamepad...

What are you talking about? It clearly mentions you don't need an additional cover as the battery fits in without have to have a new cover that bulges out.

I think I misunderstood. :-Smilie
I thought you just want to have the battery laying bare in its place without the cover. Sounded strange to me. Just forget it. I talked somewhat strange...
No drugs involved, seriously!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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