Rumour: Nintendo Teasing a Wii U Pokémon Game?

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.08.2013 17

Rumour: Nintendo Teasing a Wii U Pokémon Game? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During the Pokémon Game Show in Japan this weekend, Nintendo have teased what could be a possible new 3D game at the end of a trailer sequence.

A retrospective video had been playing on the main screen during the event and showed a CG Pikachu leading Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Charmander across a GameBoy world. Towards the end though, a potential teaser for a Wii U title (as spotted by NeoGAF): a Mega Lucario going face to face with a Mega Blaziken in a futuristic city; certainly an interesting backdrop for a future home console title.

Image for Rumour: Nintendo Teasing a Wii U Pokémon Game?


What are your thoughts on a Wii U Pokémon title presented in this way?

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Pretty sure those are regular Lucario and Blaziken rather than their Megas Smilie

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fadsf (guest) 17.08.2013#2

It looks like a game in the style of Pokemon Coliseum or Battle Revolution with updated graphics

A new 3D Adventure Pokémon game on the Wii U similar to Pokémon Colosseum or Pokémon XD would be too good to be true...I'm still bitter about the massive waste of potential that was Battle Revolution on the Wii. That game looked great and had fantastic music but then they did absolutely nothing with it when all those assets could have been used in a proper story mode.

SuperLink said:
Pretty sure those are regular Lucario and Blaziken rather than their Megas Smilie 

Yup, they don't like the Mega Formes to me! Smilie

Rather hyped about this, we're long over-due a proper Pokémon console game! ^_^

Bucky (guest) 17.08.2013#5

Just make Pokemon Snap for Wii U already. What could possibly be better?

Considering the whole trailer was basically showing just about every Pokémon game over the years and ended with X/Y before the teaser appeared, it almost has to be one for an actual game for its placement to make any sense. I really don't want to get my hopes up but it's hard not to...Smilie

I'm sure it is a game.. but there's also a chance it's just an app or something. Though I don't think they'd tease it in such a way if it was just an app.. that was a pretty "get excited for what's next" teaser.

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If it's anything like an app, such as a Wii U extension like Animal Crossing: New Leaf has then that would be a pretty cruel teaser. Not quite on Square-Enix level but definitely up there for fans that have been wishing for a true follow-up to Pokémon Colosseum/XD for years.

SirLink said:
If it's anything like an app, such as a Wii U extension like Animal Crossing: New Leaf has then that would be a pretty cruel teaser. Not quite on Square-Enix level but definitely up there for fans that have been wishing for a true follow-up to Pokémon Colosseum/XD for years.

Joke's on us, it's actually an iOS game called Pokémon: All the Pokést and you get to pay real money to use Cloud I mean Charizard.

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SuperLink said:
SirLink said:
If it's anything like an app, such as a Wii U extension like Animal Crossing: New Leaf has then that would be a pretty cruel teaser. Not quite on Square-Enix level but definitely up there for fans that have been wishing for a true follow-up to Pokémon Colosseum/XD for years.

Joke's on us, it's actually an iOS game called Pokémon: All the Pokést and you get to pay real money to use Cloud I mean Charizard.

I saw iOS before any other word in your reply and my heart stopped for a second, a natural reaction after so many bad experiences with other franchises and iOS announcements. Smilie

It was actually a mistake - whoever edited the video included this, but it was meant for internal use only. You see they've created real-life Pokémon and the illuminati is going to use them to take over the world...

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This may help.

Am I the only one to think that this wasn't a teaser, but possibly just a CGI thingy for X & Y? 

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

Hawk said:
Am I the only one to think that this wasn't a teaser, but possibly just a CGI thingy for X & Y? 

Naw it was shown after X and Y, and Pokémon typically never has any FMV or CGI so I doubt XY will be any different.

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SuperLink said:
Hawk said:
Am I the only one to think that this wasn't a teaser, but possibly just a CGI thingy for X & Y? 

Naw it was shown after X and Y, and Pokémon typically never has any FMV or CGI so I doubt XY will be any different.

Right, I didn't actually mean in the game. I meant like how trailers will have CGI stuff in them, but it's not in the actual game. I hope it is some sort of teaser though. 

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

Hawk said:
Right, I didn't actually mean in the game. I meant like how trailers will have CGI stuff in them, but it's not in the actual game. I hope it is some sort of teaser though. 

I think if that were the case they'd show some footage of a cool CGI Xerneas or Yveltal, or at least Mega Lucario or Blaziken.

But instead it's regular Blaziken and Lucario, which don't really have any specific significane within XY. If they wanted to advertise XY with it, they would choose the starters or legies or Megas, for sure.

That's why I'm convinced it's a teaser, nothin' about it gives me an XY vibe.. especially since the backdrop looks like Japan and XY's mis-en-scene is usually unmistakably European.

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Gremlin (guest) 20.08.2013#17

I freaking hope so

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