New Pokémon Rumble U, Wonderful 101 UK Launch Trailers

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.08.2013 1

New Pokémon Rumble U, Wonderful 101 UK Launch Trailers on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Two key releases on Wii U this month - The Wonderful 101 and Pokémon Rumble U - and Nintendo has posted the launch trailers for both.

The Wii U's library is set to explode with two intensive, high-action games out this month. First up it's the return of everyone favourite cartoon creatures in a multiplayer co-operative download game, Pokémon Rumble U, out August 15th in Europe and 29th in North America. In Rumble, players team-up to overcome a series of varied environments, beating other Pokémon, bosses and befriending enemies into friends.


The Wonderful 101 takes on a similar feel, with a vast number of superheroes who help citizens, sovle puzzles and overcome an alien invasion. Can our heroes protect the planet from this sinister new foe? The game is out August 23rd in Europe and September 15th in North America.


Will you be grabbing hold of either of these Nintendo Wii U titles this month?

Box art for Pokémon Rumble U








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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n64billy (guest) 15.08.2013#1

The awkward moment when there is a Pikmin 3 trailer instead of Pokemon Rumble U...

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