Capcom: Speak up for E.X. Troopers 3DS Localisation

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.08.2013 3

Capcom: Speak up for E.X. Troopers 3DS Localisation on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In an interview with Andrew Szymanski from Capcom, he urged fansof E.X. Troopers to contact the company for possible localisation.

E.X. Troopers is one of those games that remains sealed within the shores of Japan and despite having a solid fanbase outside the country, currently won't be localised - "a vocal minority", Szymanski said in an interview. Speaking to GameSpot, he suggests that "best thing to do is to contact your local distributors and e-mail Capcom", as it will help signify a demand for the English version.

You have a lot of people who say they want it, but how many copies do you think we're going to get out there?

Don't get me wrong, it's great to have hundreds and thousands of people who want to play the game. But just hundred or a few thousand isn't enough to justify localization and outside distribution. There has to be some way to gauge the desire for the game above and beyond that.

With that in mind, do you want a localised edition of E.X. Troopers on Nintendo 3DS?

Box art for E.X. Troopers








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This one looks pretty good, but honestly not EVERY game will be a million copy seller & devs need to be ok with this. It's this kinda greed that prevents games from growing.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
neo (guest) 16.08.2013#2

Lol really I would rather have another game called Sengoku Basara 1-4 HD on WiiU instead of this game. I don't get Capcom at all when they release a game. I know what they're trying to pull here thinking if they add in gameplay like MH feeling it will sell.

This is one game I've been praying would reach us. I want it so much! :-(

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