Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer Debut Trailer, New Modes and Character Customisation

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.08.2013 1

Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer Debut Trailer, New Modes and Character Customisation on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Activision today revealed the multiplayer feature in Call of Duty: Ghosts, together with new modes and skins.

Whilst Call of Duty is renowned for its solo-player campaign mode, it's the multiplayer element that keeps fans coming back for a healthy load of first person shooting. The publisher detailed a range of new modes to be included in Ghosts, including:

  • Squad Mode: A ten solider "squad" for solo, co-operative or competitive play made up of both AI-controlled team mates or human players.
  • Cranked: Makes the victor extra fast after securing a kill, but it comes with a catch - a countdown to win another or else the player will explode. Yes, explode.
  • Search and Rescue: As the name suggests, team members will need to be on-hand to recover a fallen soldier. If a player dies, they'll leave behind a tag which must be picked up by an ally to recover, if an enemy picks it up however, the player remains out for the round.

There'll also be more movements for improved jumping, a knee slide for getting down low, plus dynamic map events for a more immersive experience.

Those who like to customise their skins will be able to dig deeper and create up to 20,000 possible combinations including the ability to play as a female solider for the first time.

Finally a new Call of Duty app will allow players to continue the experience on the move, edit load-outs, share stats on Facebook/Twitter and will be available alongside the game's debut this November.

For more, be sure to watch the debut Call of Duty: Ghosts multiplayer trailer.


What are your thoughts on the multiplayer experience in Call of Duty: Ghosts?

Box art for Call of Duty: Ghosts

Infinity Ward




First Person Shooter



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love call of duty, cant wait to play the ghosts, up till now the videos and what the dev shows us is great, i hope that didn't changed when the original game comes out.

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