Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams Heading to Wii U eShop This Month

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.08.2013

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams Heading to Wii U eShop This Month on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Side-scrolling platformer Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams has been confirmed for release on the Nintendo Wii U eShop later this month.

Developer Black Forest Games announced earlier today at the game will include standard difficulty, in addition to a new easy feature, hardcore and "Uberhardercore" play. In Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, players take on the role of Giana as she heads into the Dream World to save her abducted sister from a giant dragon.

Twisted Dreams was originally funded through donations on Kickstarter and released earlier this year on XBLA and PSN. The Wii U version is set for release in Europe/Australia on 22nd August.

Will you join Giana in her quest to save her sister on Wii U this month?

Box art for Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams

Black Forest


Black Forest Games


2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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