Monster Hunter 4 3DS Details and Direct-Feed Gameplay

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.08.2013

Monster Hunter 4 3DS Details and Direct-Feed Gameplay on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom have posted new details for Monster Hunter 4's primary cast, a group of ruthless, elite hunters.

The team of four, who were shown off in a trailer last week, will be playing a key role in Monster Hunter 4. Unlike your bog-standard weapon-wielding novice, these folk are excellent Hunters who take on very special requests from guilds.

Image for Monster Hunter 4 3DS Details and Direct-Feed Gameplay

From left to right:

A gunner lady who acts as the leader's right hand lady, acting as mediator when required. Plans strategies and has a good sense of judgment.

The Leader wields a dual blade, is rather young still and, as expected, is full of pride and is often silent. Difficult to get along width.

On the right of the Leader is the Lancer. Noble, trusted and well respected by the other hunters and even the Leader himself.

Finally, the token carefree and cheerful character who can calm others and excels at various abilities. He loves shopping too, apparently.

Alongside the four main cast, there'll be a Wyvernian Wholesale Dealer, a travelling member of the group who provides daily item details, takes requests from villages and has good business links. Not just a salesman, this useful chap also allows Hunters to increase the number of held items and is open for trades too.

The adorable The Felyne chef also returns to the travelling brigade, mixing ingredients for a scrumptious and ever-useful meal for Hunters.

Famitsu and 4Gamer have also posted new direct-feed footage of the game in action this week.



What are your thoughts on the latest chapter in the Monster Hunter series?

Box art for Monster Hunter 4








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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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