Watch Nintendo Bytes Episode 3 - Zelda, Animal Crossing, Pokémon, Smash Bros and more!

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.08.2013


This Week in Nintendo - 05/08/2013 to 11/08/2013

Welcome to the latest episode of Nintendo Bytes, a weekly recap of what's gone on in the world of Nintendo games and in the Cubed3 community over the last 7 days. Be sure to watch the recap video above. We hope you've had a great week!

For the full rundown of our news and updates, visit our Nintendo Wii U and 3DS Archives.

Cloudberry Kingdom (Nintendo Wii U eShop)

Runner 2: Good Friends DLC Pack

Beyond the Cube: Tiny Troopers

SteamWorld Dig (Nintendo 3DS eShop)

StreetPass Relay Added in 3DS Firmware Update

Selected Pokémon to Mega Evolve in X and Y

Glass to the Wall Episode 17 Airs Tonight

Senran Kagura Burst Heading to North America

New Nintendo Direct - 3pm, 7th August

New Zelda: The Wind Waker HD Gameplay Footage

New One Piece Branded 3DS XL Consoles

Nintendo Direct Recap: Zelda, Pokémon, AC

Animal Crossing: New Leaf Friend Promotion

Rufus Hound Explains the Wii U Difference

Pilotwings Glides into Super Smash Bros.

Crypt Run Approved for Wii U Development

Sonic Lost World 3DS to Wii U Co-op Revealed

A Look at a Real Legend of Zelda Master Sword

Nintendo Games Grew with you - Annual Report

Future issues of This Week on C3 will be delivered as sweet treats every Sunday.

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