Iwata: Multiplatform Nintendo Franchises Would be Short-Term Fix

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.08.2013 6

Iwata: Multiplatform Nintendo Franchises Would be Short-Term Fix on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Satoru Iwata recently commented on producing titles for non-Nintendo platforms, noting how it would only be a short-term fix.

Analysts and critics have urged Nintendo in recent years to produce their key releases, like Super Mario Bros and The Legend of Zelda, for systems like PlayStation, Xbox and PC. Long story short, the answer is essentially "no". As the leader of the company, Iwata wants to secure a long-term solution for Nintendo and not quickly putting out titles on other systems.

If I was to take responsibility for the company for just the next one or two years, and if I was not concerned about the long-term future of Nintendo at all, it might make sense for us to provide our important franchises for other platforms, and then we might be able to gain some short-term profit.

To conclude, Iwata stated how he would "never think about providing our precious resources for other platforms at all", especially given how small the current teams are at Nintendo.

With the Nintendo 3DS soaring, Nintendo are hoping to achieve the same momentum with key first-party releases this year and into 2014 including Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8 and The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD.

However, Nintendo did confirm this week that the Wii U hardware is still being sold at a loss.

What are your thoughts on Iwata's comments on Nintendo development?

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...and may the answer forever be no!

in that logic then sony should release granturismo  and god of war multi platform because the vitas been a flop, i dont understand why nintendo gets all this bad press, i genuinely do beleive its because (not being a fan boy, im a mutual gamer) its because people do get the green eyed monster because they want zelda and mario but they dont wanna part there cash to a nintendo console, if there was other reason then the wii u's failing then i would listen, and the reason i dont listen to that because no matter what ive noticed alot of people are looking at zelda wind waker HD, mario 3D world, dk country returns tropical freeze etc and will be buying one this christmas, it baffles me it really does!!!

Does Iwata have to answer this question every other week? People seriously have to stop asking this over and over again, Iwata said "No." dozens of times before and that won't change no matter how many times they ask.

SirLink said:
Does Iwata have to answer this question every other week? People seriously have to stop asking this over and over again, Iwata said "No." dozens of times before and that won't change no matter how many times they ask.

The excuse is that for some reason people like to say Nintendo are unsuccessful in their current model.

Nintendo are not unsuccessful at all.

The reality is probably that these games are only available in one place and therefore do not make money for anyone else. Pokémon and Mario have such a ridiculously huge pull, other developers want a piece of that pie and they can't get it.

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It would break my heart if I ever had to buy Nintendo's first party games on a Sony or Microsoft system.....I hope it never happens! EVER!

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Corrected the article where it said "Super Mario 3D Land" instead of "3D World" Smilie.

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