Indie Strategy Title Cubemen 2 Offers Cross-Platform Multiplayer on Wii U - Watch the Debut Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.08.2013 2

Indie Strategy Title Cubemen 2 Offers Cross-Platform Multiplayer on Wii U - Watch the Debut Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Cubemen 2 was included in the latest Nintendo Direct and developer Nnooo has posted more details on the game.

Interestingly the studio are the first indie group to break the barriers of platform-specific multiplayer on Wii U. Players who dabble in the PC version can communicate with the Wii U version, likewise those who play on iOS and share content with Linux owners.


Just what exactly is Cubemen? Well, it's a 3D action/strategy game where players take command of these ickle little units to defend/attack enemies. There'll be six player online battles, global rankings and the ability to share content cross-platform.

Cubemen 2 is on track for release later this year/early 2014 on the Wii U eShop.

Will you strategise with Cubemen 2 on Nintendo WIi U?

Box art for Cubemen 2

3 Sprockets







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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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I think it's great these guys are going for cross-platform play. This isn't done enough in console games... and I hope to see a trend amongst indie developers on the Wii U. It would be absolutely awesome to play a game with my friend who's playing it on... Steam and I'm playing it on the Wii U. Bringing platforms together, as opposed to singling them out. Genius!

wow, that what the developer's of every game should do, no barrier between different platform or console owners.

( Edited 09.08.2013 08:34 by videogames )

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