Pokémon X and Y to Consume 1.7GB Each When Downloaded

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.08.2013

Pokémon X and Y to Consume 1.7GB Each When Downloaded on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has announced that special download cards will be available for Pokémon X and Pokémon Y in Japan.

According to Serebii, these special download cards will be available at retailers, giving players an eShop code for the digital release. The game will take up 1.7GB of space on an SD card (approximately 14,000 blocks).

Also, Nintendo confirmed that if players were to have two digital versions of the both games on the system, they wouldn't be able to communicate with one another (presumably because both can't be run at the same time).

Will you be going digital for Pokémon X and Pokémon Y?

Box art for Pokémon X and Y

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