New Japanese Trailer for Pokémon X and Pokémon Y Reveals Oorotto

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.07.2013 5

New Japanese Trailer for Pokémon X and Pokémon Y Reveals Oorotto on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest snippet of Pokémon X and Pokémon Y is being shown before folks in Japan tuck into popcorn.

The cinema promotional campaign for Pokémon X and Pokémon Y has a whole lot of new footage of the critters in action, engaging in heated battles and also our first glimpse of Oorotto in action. Both games are being release worldwide on October 12th for Nintendo 3DS.


On a scale of one to ten, how excited are you for Pokémon X and Pokémon Y?

Box art for Pokémon X and Y

Game Freak




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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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patel (guest) 31.07.2013#1

Just saw fennekin using something close to hammer arm. Makes me feel like he's gonna evolve into another fire/fighting

patel (guest) said:
Just saw fennekin using something close to hammer arm. Makes me feel like he's gonna evolve into another fire/fighting

Hm, well it says it's called グロウパンチ (gurou panchi / glow punch?), where as Hammer Arm is アームハンマー. So it's not Hammer Arm, it might be a new fire type move? Really hope it's not another Fire/Fighting starter. :/

If the starter is once again a Firefighter I will boycott the living shit out of these games no matter how awesome they are. Which will make me sad.

Don't make me sad, GameFreak. Don't.


~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

I thought Fennekin's final form was confirmed to be Fire/Psychic? 

Aren't they balancing the starters with the Psychic/Dark/Fighting trio? 

I had heard Grass/Dark, Fire/Psychic, and Water/Fighting. Each one has a type check for the other. 

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

Red XIII said:
I thought Fennekin's final form was confirmed to be Fire/Psychic? 

Aren't they balancing the starters with the Psychic/Dark/Fighting trio? 

I had heard Grass/Dark, Fire/Psychic, and Water/Fighting. Each one has a type check for the other. 

I think that's a good guess, but I'm pretty sure there's no official confirmation with regards to the final evolution's typing. I'm kinda hoping it's not Water / Fighting either though, I don't usually like fighting types and I want to start with Froakie. XD

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