C3 Plays | Pikmin 3 Wii U Playthrough Parts 4-6 with Commentary, GamePad

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.07.2013 3

C3 Plays | Pikmin 3 Wii U Playthrough Parts 4-6 with Commentary, GamePad on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In the second set of episodes for our Pikmin 3 playthrough videos, we take on the game's first boss.

Alas, the big critter proves rather difficult against our set of dedicated Pikmin who, without any sense of fear, attempt to bring the game's tricky boss to its toes. Our adventurers are also introduced to different Pikmin types and learn the ropes of working with multiple characters at one time.

Be sure to also read our Pikmin 3 review, rated 9/10 (Gold Award).




What are your thoughts on Pikmin 3 so far?

Box art for Pikmin 3








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (353 Votes)

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Sebastian (guest) 30.07.2013#1

Really appreciate that you put the videos up. I know this guy gets the first boss done earlier in the third day though


You're playing with the GamePad, Jorge? I cannot for the life of me play this game with analogue controls. Wii Remote and Nunchuck controls still feel incredibly innovative in this game. Smilie I use the GamePad as a map and so I can command my "leaders" to go to various other areas of the map.

Mush said:
You're playing with the GamePad, Jorge?

Aye! I've switched though, GamePad was a bad idea lol - though we tried our best with both control schemes to make sure we had a strong enough feel for the review Smilie

It's the sort of game that was almost designed for the Wii Remote in mind, or a mouse cursor lol.

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