Feature | Lights, Camera, Action! - Monsters University

By Derek Winnert 28.07.2013 2

Monsters University (UK Rating: U)

A very pleasant prequel to a very pleasing original, Monsters University has slightly more trouble scaring up the laughs than its 2001 predecessor Monsters, Inc, but still gets by very nicely on its infectiously easy-going nature, good sense of slightly naughty fun, and the vocal talents of Billy Crystal and John Goodman, especially, re-create their amusing double act as their original monster characters, Mike and Sulley. Welcome to Disney Pixar's latest mega hit.

Image for Feature | Lights, Camera, Action! - Monsters University

Guess what? The duo from Monsters, Inc is going to a posh school to study scaring kids! The school's campus looks very much like that of the University of California at Berkeley, which conveniently happens to be very close to Pixar's headquarters. There at Monsters University they get a bit of a scare themselves when Abigail Hardscrabble flies down in on them as the winged college dean. Very threatening she is too, particularly when played in her strictest tones by none other than Brit Helen Mirren, convincing everyone she's having a ball as she picks up an easy pay cheque. She is definitely good value, though, and that's why she gets hired time after time.

Mike and Sulley aren't at all instant best friends. In fact, they don't like each other to begin with. The unscary Mike's desperate to learn to be scary, and the one-note, big and scary Sulley wants to be with the other big scary guys. They are forced to join a team, however, and work together as if they 'win' they can stay the course, says the nasty Ms. Hardscrabble. Unfortunately, the trouble is, Sulley's so desperate to win that he is prepared to cheat.


Randy Newman's old-fashioned score is an absolute delight, polished, crafted and richly tuneful. Sometimes it is possible to just sit with eyes shut and listen to the soundtrack, forgetting about Pixar's bright and breezy imagery. Saying that, the animation is good - very good even - but not quite so ground-breakingly imaginative this time, just like the story.

The movie wants to scare kids in the audience, too - just a little - with some bizarre images and idea, and it kind of does. Today's children will just love that, of course, and are not ever going to be really frightened by anything here.

Image for Feature | Lights, Camera, Action! - Monsters University

Rated 7 out of 10

Very Good - Bronze Award

Rated 7 out of 10
This is Pixar's first ever prequel and on a personal note it would have been better to have something new, no matter how much Monsters, Inc. was loved. Sequels are sometimes a sign of a lack of imagination, not being about to think of anything new, instead recycling something that went well a few years back. However, Disney Pixar has a great record with this concept, coming up with a trio of great Toy Story and the couple of Cars films. Monsters, Inc. really didn't need a sequel or prequel, but if it had to have one, Monsters University is entirely sweet. Quite a little delight really!

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I loved Monsters, Inc but have been rather wary about this. Sounds good from the review, but have any readers seen it?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Adam Riley said:
I loved Monsters, Inc but have been rather wary about this. Sounds good from the review, but have any readers seen it?
Monsters Inc. was pure Pixar genius. I loved it... heck, I probably will stil love it if I watched it today.

I was never so sure about the whole idea of a prequel.. just like I'm not sure about the upcoming "Finding Dory" from Disney Pixar.

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