Sonic_13 said:
Sorry, when I said "positive" I wasn't intending to mean that guests can't post (respectful) disagreements/complaints/criticisms/opinions/etc. Reasoned opionings of all kind are, of course, always welcome. I was really referring to when guests come and post one sentence saying something along the lines of "This game sucks." When a guest comes and does that I interpret it as them trying to troll and cause trouble. Maybe they really don't love the game and I'd love to know why, but it comes off as trolling since there is no reasons or explanation as to why. When members don't like something they usually explain why which provides discussion.(I also don't mean to completely categorize all members and guests and into "good" and "bad" categories. There are certainly guests that do post interesting things and members (myself included) that post comments that could be better worded or expressed)
I tend to agree - and those sort of one line guest comments can often be classified as trolling. A sort of "hit and run" that is only intended to cause trouble. Exasperation over that brand of behavior is understandable. I will say though, from a mod's perspective, I can't even recall the last time a guest comment was alerted. The other mods and I can't really fix a problem no one's telling us about! In the future, just give the mod alert button a try on some of the more blatant trolling attempts, and we'll see if we can clean it up. No guarantees you'll always agree with our decision, but it'll at least allow us to get a better grasp on how people feel about these things.
I think at this point though, we should get back to the topic at hand. If you want to keep discussing this, feel free to drop me a PM! Thanks for the honest feedback. 
And even though the Wii U only has around a Gig of Ram devoted for developers this is STILL much closer to the ps4's capabilities with only 1/4th instead of 1/16th ratio like Wii to ps3 was.
Vorash, RAM is only one factor of many in determining a console's relative strength. And even with RAM itself the comparison is invalid because the PS4 is using vastly superior GDDR5 RAM. I'm sorry, but you're not helping your argument by trying to say the gulf between the Wii U and the PS4 isn't very large. You're wrong there, and it's really that simple.
As for the news topic itself, on the one hand I want to see this project successful. Eternal Darkness was iconic, and a good sequel would be a massive boon for the Wii U. But doesn't anyone else get a funny feeling from these guys? I feel this will either:
a) be vaporware
b) end up vastly underwhelming
( Edited 26.07.2013 20:26 by Jacob4000 )