New Kickstarter Launched for Shadow of the Eternals Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.07.2013 30

New Kickstarter Launched for Shadow of the Eternals Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Precursor Games have launched a new Kickstarter campaign for Shadow of the Eternals today.

The premise is still as it was previously, following the story of Detective Paul Becker as voiced by David Hayter, of Solid Snake fame. However the episodic nature of the original plan has been scraped in favour of a single, fleshed out storyline.

The project also a more achievable goal of $750,000, half of what the studio was asking for initially.

As well as Wii U and PC, which remain the core consoles, Precursor are also adding PlayStation 4 support as a stretch goal too.

For more on Shadow of the Eternals, be sure to read our interview with Precursor Games.

Box art for Shadow of the Eternals








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Yes! I really hope they make it this time. It seems much more feasible this time around. 

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

yeah hope this succeeds is my money Smilie

When in doubt....Whip it out!

I'll support them again this time as well since they were professional enough to return the funding they received after ending previous kickstart. I just hope they don't reach that  "Stretch goal" of theirs, people don't NEED any more reason to purchase ps platforms (well except for the Vita lol) & Nintendo needs as MANY exclusives to FORCE the blind, late starting gaming biggits to support them.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
I'll support them again this time as well since they were professional enough to return the funding they received after ending previous kickstart.

Kickstarter runs under a "all-or-nothing" model so unless the Kickstarter goal is reached no money is collected (thus they didn't technically have anything to return).

Mogs (guest) 26.07.2013#6

Vorash said: I just hope they don't reach that  "Stretch goal" of theirs, people don't NEED any more reason to purchase ps platforms (well except for the Vita lol) & Nintendo needs as MANY exclusives to FORCE the blind, late starting gaming biggits to support them.

Holy shit, is this guy for real? What a stuck up Nintendo fanboy.

Mogs (guest) said:
Vorash said: I just hope they don't reach that  "Stretch goal" of theirs, people don't NEED any more reason to purchase ps platforms (well except for the Vita lol) & Nintendo needs as MANY exclusives to FORCE the blind, late starting gaming biggits to support them.

Holy shit, is this guy for real? What a stuck up Nintendo fanboy.

Considering this is a Nintendo centric website are you really surprised "guest"? People don't need anymore reason to purchase ps products, & if you think I said what I said out of ignorance myself then you're sorly mistaken & live under a rock. I don't want to be FORCED to buy ps systems to play my favorite third party products & there's NO REASON for them to not show up on Nintendo systems....esspecially since some of the Nintendo ONLY third party titles have been placed on other consoles lately...yeah Nintendo deserves more exclusives with how poorly the industry is treating them lately.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Mogs (guest) said:
Vorash said: I just hope they don't reach that  "Stretch goal" of theirs, people don't NEED any more reason to purchase ps platforms (well except for the Vita lol) & Nintendo needs as MANY exclusives to FORCE the blind, late starting gaming biggits to support them.

Holy shit, is this guy for real? What a stuck up Nintendo fanboy.

Once again, why do we allow guests to post? If someone really wants to contribute to a discussion there is no reason why they can't make an account and join our community.

Mogs (guest) 26.07.2013#9

I used the name Mogs, not 'guest' ... Shall I call you 'Member' instead?

I agree Wii U needs more exclusive games to get people to buy the system, but I dont see why you would want it not to come out on PS4 when that's one of the platforms the developers would love it to come to. Plus it's coming to the PC anyway, so why arent you slamming them for bringing it to that? There are millions and millions of PC gamers so that could hurt the Wii U version sales anyway. I do want more exclusives on Wii U, but this one seems is coming to PC anyway so why not continue with more choice by having it on another platform too? If anything, having that PS4 stretch goal might even help get it funded enough for it to come to Wii U anyway!

Sonic_13 said:
Vorash Kadan said:
I'll support them again this time as well since they were professional enough to return the funding they received after ending previous kickstart.

Kickstarter runs under a "all-or-nothing" model so unless the Kickstarter goal is reached no money is collected (thus they didn't technically have anything to return).

Yes it does, but you have to remember they also ran a private crowd funding campaign, one that was not tied to any obligations except those of precursor games. Everyone who gave funding on the private one was also refunded.    

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

Mogs (guest) said:
I used the name Mogs, not 'guest' ... Shall I call you 'Member' instead?

I agree Wii U needs more exclusive games to get people to buy the system, but I dont see why you would want it not to come out on PS4 when that's one of the platforms the developers would love it to come to. Plus it's coming to the PC anyway, so why arent you slamming them for bringing it to that? There are millions and millions of PC gamers so that could hurt the Wii U version sales anyway. I do want more exclusives on Wii U, but this one seems is coming to PC anyway so why not continue with more choice by having it on another platform too? If anything, having that PS4 stretch goal might even help get it funded enough for it to come to Wii U anyway!

AGAIN my reasoning I made clear with my previous post should help you understand but I'll translate for you incase. Third party exclusive need to fully STOP for ps systems until the vast majority of third party titles on ps & ms platforms are on Nintendo as well. The Final Fantasy, Resident Evil & Megaman series is a PRIME example of this. All of the previously Nintendo ONLY games are now on other where the hell are the other quality titles (not every title in the series mind you) & WHY haven't they been released on Nintendo as well?

You see my meaning now about this being a little too one sided in sony & ms favor?

( Edited 26.07.2013 16:50 by Vorash Kadan )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Hawk said:
Sonic_13 said:
Vorash Kadan said:
I'll support them again this time as well since they were professional enough to return the funding they received after ending previous kickstart.

Kickstarter runs under a "all-or-nothing" model so unless the Kickstarter goal is reached no money is collected (thus they didn't technically have anything to return).

Yes it does, but you have to remember they also ran a private crowd funding campaign, one that was not tied to any obligations except those of precursor games. Everyone who gave funding on the private one was also refunded.    

I didn't realize they did simultaneous campaigns. Nice to hear they refunded the private one.

On a side note, is there a benefit to doing two campaigns like that simultaneously instead of just the Kickstarter one? I suppose they might be able to save a little on fees perhaps, by also doing a private one, but at the same time it takes away from your Kickstarter campaign in which you'll only get the funding if you reach your goal.

( Edited 26.07.2013 19:14 by Sonic_13 )

Mogs (guest) 26.07.2013#13

3rd party exclusives need to stop on PS consoles? That's stupid talk. Exclusives are what make people buy consoles. On the other hand, I understand why you want Shadow of the Eternals only on Wii U so that people will buy the console but it's coming to PC as well so its a bit silly. Plus this is the PS4 we're talking about. A console that isnt even out yet. Also, Resident Evil didnt start as a Nintendo only series, unless you mean RE4 on GC which really isnt like the examples you're trying to make. But they arent getting released on Nintendo consoles now because they arent selling as well as on PS3 & 360, plus the Nintendo consoles now are a step behind the others so they've inevitably had to miss out on many of them. You cant just keep making downports all the time, and now the Wii U is too much of a risk for current 3rd party games because the console hasnt done as well as hoped. The same thing will continue next gen because the Wii U will be behind and just wont take off like the other 2 upcoming consoles will do.

But again, I understand your reason for wanting this game to only be on Wii U because people need more reasons to buy the console, but I dont think you made your point very well by coming out and saying exclusives need to stop coming to PS consoles.

Mogs (guest) 26.07.2013#14

You're a guest (see the word guest next to your name). If you don't like being referred to as a guest, you are more than welcome to sign up for the site and become a member. It's completely free and easy to do so.

Oh really, "Member" ? I didnt notice. Thanks.

Mogs (guest) said:
3rd party exclusives need to stop on PS consoles? That's stupid talk. Exclusives are what make people buy consoles. On the other hand, I understand why you want Shadow of the Eternals only on Wii U so that people will buy the console but it's coming to PC as well so its a bit silly. Plus this is the PS4 we're talking about. A console that isnt even out yet. Also, Resident Evil didnt start as a Nintendo only series, unless you mean RE4 on GC which really isnt like the examples you're trying to make. But they arent getting released on Nintendo consoles now because they arent selling as well as on PS3 & 360, plus the Nintendo consoles now are a step behind the others so they've inevitably had to miss out on many of them. You cant just keep making downports all the time, and now the Wii U is too much of a risk for current 3rd party games because the console hasnt done as well as hoped. The same thing will continue next gen because the Wii U will be behind and just wont take off like the other 2 upcoming consoles will do.

But again, I understand your reason for wanting this game to only be on Wii U because people need more reasons to buy the console, but I dont think you made your point very well by coming out and saying exclusives need to stop coming to PS consoles.

It's incredible how backwards you are & how much you misunderstand. The Wii U isn't NEARLY as behind with the ps4 xbox 1 when compared to Wii & ps360, so there'll be no "downporting" as you say, the douche FAG head of Epic even apologized for making an EPIC ASS out of himself & restated that Unreal 4 CAN run on Wii U so the capabilities are the same, not that Nintendo gaming veterans care as much about graphics anyway. ALSO Resident Evil was on Nintendo back during the N64 days BEFORE RE4 on GC as well as PC being such a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT platform that it's not even in the same realm as consoles so thanks for showing us how little you know! ;D

There's nothing stopping FF8 & 9, Devil May Cry series, Tales of series, from being ported to Wii U as enhanced ports since it'd be a LIIIITTLE awkard to have the ps logo on the Virtual Console, if steam can get FF7 without showing the ps start up Nintendo can get FF8 & 9 while avoiding any kind of infringment. The DS remakes of FF3 & 4 are on ps platform so statement stands with Nintendo being OWED more third party games!!

It's quite disrespectful how the industry is currently treating the company that prevented the industry crash in the 80's as well as inspired ALOT of todays favorite developers like Cliffy B, SUDA 51, Hideo Kojime ect. Even the head of Eidos left Square Penis due to "Ireconsilable differences" & "lack of courage" which I'm sure is due in part to them getting shafted to pump out pointless cellphone games & smacking Nintendo in the face by taking away exclusivity of Deus Ex Director's cut from Nintendo. And if you think that's not a reason for someone to leave a company I WILL counter you by stating the Resident Evil & DMC series creator Shinji Mikami left Capcom due in part to how Capcom broke contract with Nintendo by releasing RE4 AND Killer7 on ps2 even though they were part of the original Capcom 5 for GameCube. Mikami couldn't stand the greed that Capcom currently has & left that company to establish Platinum Games & I'm sure the Megaman creator Keiji Inafune felt the same before he left Capcom as well.

( Edited 26.07.2013 18:09 by Vorash Kadan )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Sonic_13 said:
Hawk said:
Sonic_13 said:
Vorash Kadan said:
I'll support them again this time as well since they were professional enough to return the funding they received after ending previous kickstart.

Kickstarter runs under a "all-or-nothing" model so unless the Kickstarter goal is reached no money is collected (thus they didn't technically have anything to return).

Yes it does, but you have to remember they also ran a private crowd funding campaign, one that was not tied to any obligations except those of precursor games. Everyone who gave funding on the private one was also refunded.    

I didn't realize they did simultaneous campaigns. Nice to hear they refunded the private one.

On a side note, is there a benefit to doing two campaigns like that simultaneously instead of just the Kickstarter one? I suppose they might be able to save a little on fees perhaps, by also doing a private one, but at the same time it takes away from your Kickstarter campaign in which you'll only get the funding if you reach your goal.

If I recall correctly, certain Kickstarter campaigns only allow U.S credit/debit cards to be used, and thus limits the people who can donate to the campaign to people in the U.S.. The private campaign was run along side the Kickstarter in order for people outside the U.S. to be able to donate.   

( Edited 26.07.2013 18:16 by Hawk )

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.
Mogs (guest) 26.07.2013#17

I'm definitely not saying the Wii U cant handle certain engines or anything like that. I know the difference between Wii U and PS4 (for example) is not as big as comparing the Wii to PS3. For that reason, Wii U has more of a chance of getting some more multiplatform 3rd party games when next gen is in full swing. But what i'm saying is that it will again be a case of, because the Wii U IS still behind when compared to PS4/XB1, it will still definitely miss out on games that will be multiplatform. Even if the Wii U can run certain engines very well, it still wont be able to do what the other 2 consoles will be able to do, so it's just gonna miss out on certain games, like it or not.

RE2 wasnt an exclusive Nintendo only game, which is what I thought you were referring to when you started saying how the Final Fantasy and MegaMan series started on Nintendo platforms then don't appear on them much these days. So I was still right when I said RE series didnt start off on Nintendo. Looks like we didnt communicate that perfectly.

Of course there isnt really a problem with bringing old games like FF7 to a Nintendo console now. Not sure why you're bringing up startup screens since thats not something that stops a game being on another platform, but I think the much bigger issue is actually bringing out NEW games to the systems. Whats the point in worrying about really old games like FF7 or DMC or anything else that appeared on consoles from the last few years? They arent gonna get people buying Wii U.

On the general topic of guest posting, it's allowed to bring in more discussion and eventually more members. Joining the site does indeed take only a few brief moments, but it's hoped the opportunity to interact before making the jump will encourage people to actually join.

It's also hoped that some measure of courtesy will be shown to guest posters, rather than disdain, seeing as we'd like them to be part of the community. Take that as you will.

That said, guest posts are subject to the same expectations as any member's posts, and you're (guest Mogs) past the line of becoming insulting to Vorash. If you're going to participate in debates, be advised that all arguments need to be based around the subject at hand and remain free of petty name calling such as:

Holy shit, is this guy for real? What a stuck up Nintendo fanboy.

Mogs (guest) said:
I'm definitely not saying the Wii U cant handle certain engines or anything like that. I know the difference between Wii U and PS4 (for example) is not as big as comparing the Wii to PS3. For that reason, Wii U has more of a chance of getting some more multiplatform 3rd party games when next gen is in full swing. But what i'm saying is that it will again be a case of, because the Wii U IS still behind when compared to PS4/XB1, it will still definitely miss out on games that will be multiplatform. Even if the Wii U can run certain engines very well, it still wont be able to do what the other 2 consoles will be able to do, so it's just gonna miss out on certain games, like it or not.

RE2 wasnt an exclusive Nintendo only game, which is what I thought you were referring to when you started saying how the Final Fantasy and MegaMan series started on Nintendo platforms then don't appear on them much these days. So I was still right when I said RE series didnt start off on Nintendo. Looks like we didnt communicate that perfectly.

Of course there isnt really a problem with bringing old games like FF7 to a Nintendo console now. Not sure why you're bringing up startup screens since thats not something that stops a game being on another platform, but I think the much bigger issue is actually bringing out NEW games to the systems. Whats the point in worrying about really old games like FF7 or DMC or anything else that appeared on consoles from the last few years? They arent gonna get people buying Wii U.

I never said I cared where a series started on, what I was getting at are the games that AREN'T contract exclusive that Nintendo has missed out on with an over all series regardless of which platform they first appeared on weather it's like Mortal Kombat starting on Nintendo or the Devil May Cry series on ps2. I wasn't talking only about RE2, again you don't know as much about games as I do because Resident Evil 0 was on the N64 as well before they remade & translated it on GameCube, but yes I'm glad that miscommunication has been cleared up.

Considering sony & Nintendo are console rivals having the ps logo show up on a Nintendo system can cause some legal drama, so yes that can be an issue. The fact that you say I should only care about "NEW" games also tells me just how softcore of a gamer you are. I'm the type of gamer (as are 80% of Nintendo fans) who'll go back & enjoy a game I've beaten 15+ years ago, if you don't....I feel sorry for the lack of love you have for games as a whole. And no it won't be too much of an issue to have ps4 xbox1 games on the Wii U, the only thing that will stop that are contract exclusives, the capability IS there & if you did your homework on the tech of each system you'd know this.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
Mogs (guest) 26.07.2013#20

Sorry Jacob4000, I was just in some shock at the comment and probably shouldnt have reacted that way.

Umm Vorash, i dont know where you're getting this assumptions that I didnt know certain information from, because i do know all about Resident Evil Zero and how it was originally an N64 title that eventually came to Gamecube. Its weird you would say something like I dont know as much about games as you because of something like that. RE Zero was never even released on the N64 so why on earth would I have mentioned it? Besides, there can be any number of reasons why a developer/publisher doesnt bring a multiformat game to another console. Back in the 32/64-bit days, it was down to the CD/cartridge issues and whatever devs felt comfortable with or more cost efficient. Even now, does it matter if they dont bring a 3rd party game to a particular console? They dont have to if they dont want to. I just dont see why its such a massive problem.

Think you misunderstood me about startup logos. I'm saying its obvious that if a game is brought from one console to another the startup screen is removed. It's one of those things thats a given and would take 2 seconds to do with every single game, which is why i thought it odd you even brought it up. It's probably the one thing that has the least bearing on a game being brought to another console. Bigger things like cost, time and resources are the reasons a game makes it to another console or not... not removing a startup logo.

You also took my last comment completely the wrong way. I'm not saying at all that I only care about new games and that i never play old ones. I play old games every day. I'm saying worrying about trying to get old stuff like FF7 onto Wii U is not what people should be worrying about because they are not the types of games that people will buy the console for. It is new and exclusive games that will get people interested in buying the consoles of today.

Hawk said:
If I recall correctly, certain Kickstarter campaigns only allow U.S credit/debit cards to be used, and thus limits the people who can donate to the campaign to people in the U.S.. The private campaign was run along side the Kickstarter in order for people outside the U.S. to be able to donate.   

Good point. That would make sense if that's the case.

Are they still doing the separate campaign this time around? I didn't notice anything about it on their website.


It just seems like guests often don't have anything positive and/or constructive to say and that the barrier to becoming a member is very minimal for those who actually want to constructive participate in discussions.

( Edited 26.07.2013 19:45 by Sonic_13 )

It just seems like guests often don't have anything positive and/or constructive to say and that the barrier to becoming a member is very minimal for those who actually want to constructive participate in discussions.

That's a fair point, and it's one that has been discussed behind the scenes. There's been ongoing discussion on tweaking the forum model - including the guest posting. For now though, this is the system we have.

If you feel a guest poster is trolling without attempt to actually engage in constructive discussion though, by all means use the mod alert. We see and consider each one. Ideally, guest posting should only serve to enhance discussion. However, we won't remove guest posts simply for going against the grain or not being "positive". An undying fervor for all of Nintendo's consoles, games, and decisions is not a prerequisite for posting here.

Jacob4000 said:
Ideally, guest posting should only serve to enhance discussion. However, we won't remove guest posts simply for going against the grain or not being "positive". An undying fervor for all of Nintendo's consoles, games, and decisions is not a prerequisite for posting here.

Sorry, when I said "positive" I wasn't intending to mean that guests can't post (respectful) disagreements/complaints/criticisms/opinions/etc. I was really referring to when guests come and post one sentence saying something along the lines of "This game sucks." When a guest comes and does that I (maybe it's just me) interpret it as them trying to troll and cause trouble. they really don't love the game and I'd love to know why, but it comes off as trolling since there is no reasons or explanation as to why. When members don't like something they usually explain why which provides discussion.

(I also don't mean to completely categorize all members and guests and into overly broad "good" and "bad" categories. There are certainly guests that do post interesting things and members (myself included) that post comments that could be better worded or expressed - we're obviously not perfect)

( Edited 26.07.2013 20:19 by Sonic_13 )

Adding to what Sonic_13 said about guests: Or it even seems these are comments made from Members who want to express themselves without risking their accounts or other user relationships.

Alright well thanks for clarifying in regards to the start up logos, though I don't think it's quite as easy as you make it sound, thus my comment regarding releasing an UPGRADED port of FF8 & 9 as the example kinda like REmake on GC. And no I don't care if we get ff7, that one is as over rated as they come with a weak minded villain (Sephiroth isn't Jenova's actual Son, he went crazy after Zack simply asked "what about you" & went on his whole self righteous pilgrimage even though he was NOT a genuine ancient unlike Aeris, Hojo is the TRUE villain of FF7) has a hero who constantly doubts/blames himself & got his abilities from someone else (Zack & Aeris' death are NOT Cloud's fault given the fact that he was a Mako induced vegetable & Sephiroth just dropped out of no where & shanked Aeris yet he whine's about it FAR too much, and he was a whimp before Shinra gave him a Mako bath/he was the last failed experiment from Shinra after creating Sephiroth depending on which theory you chose to follow) so yeah I'd rather have FF8 & 9 for Wii U since those are better FFs with sound track, characters, battle system & over world being more enjoyable than 7....but still can't top FF6!! XD

The ps4 doesn't allow devs to fully utilize it's available memory...or did you miss the article explaining the 3.5GB of RAM requirement of the ps4 just to run & update with Guest?

And even though the Wii U only has around a Gig of Ram devoted for developers this is STILL much closer to the ps4's capabilities with only 1/4th instead of 1/16th ratio like Wii to ps3 was.

And the very fact that I am posting this means there ARE people who do care & WOULD buy a Wii if third party titles BOTH PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE are to be released on the Wii U/3DS.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Sonic_13 said:
Sorry, when I said "positive" I wasn't intending to mean that guests can't post (respectful) disagreements/complaints/criticisms/opinions/etc. Reasoned opionings of all kind are, of course, always welcome. I was really referring to when guests come and post one sentence saying something along the lines of "This game sucks." When a guest comes and does that I interpret it as them trying to troll and cause trouble. Maybe they really don't love the game and I'd love to know why, but it comes off as trolling since there is no reasons or explanation as to why. When members don't like something they usually explain why which provides discussion.

(I also don't mean to completely categorize all members and guests and into "good" and "bad" categories. There are certainly guests that do post interesting things and members (myself included) that post comments that could be better worded or expressed)

I tend to agree - and those sort of one line guest comments can often be classified as trolling. A sort of "hit and run" that is only intended to cause trouble. Exasperation over that brand of behavior is understandable. I will say though, from a mod's perspective, I can't even recall the last time a guest comment was alerted. The other mods and I can't really fix a problem no one's telling us about! In the future, just give the mod alert button a try on some of the more blatant trolling attempts, and we'll see if we can clean it up. No guarantees you'll always agree with our decision, but it'll at least allow us to get a better grasp on how people feel about these things. 

I think at this point though, we should get back to the topic at hand. If you want to keep discussing this, feel free to drop me a PM! Thanks for the honest feedback. Smilie

And even though the Wii U only has around a Gig of Ram devoted for developers this is STILL much closer to the ps4's capabilities with only 1/4th instead of 1/16th ratio like Wii to ps3 was.

Vorash, RAM is only one factor of many in determining a console's relative strength. And even with RAM itself the comparison is invalid because the PS4 is using vastly superior GDDR5 RAM. I'm sorry, but you're not helping your argument by trying to say the gulf between the Wii U and the PS4 isn't very large. You're wrong there, and it's really that simple.


As for the news topic itself, on the one hand I want to see this project successful. Eternal Darkness was iconic, and a good sequel would be a massive boon for the Wii U. But doesn't anyone else get a funny feeling from these guys? I feel this will either:

a) be vaporware
b) end up vastly underwhelming

( Edited 26.07.2013 20:26 by Jacob4000 )

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