EarthBound Translator Discusses Localisation Issues

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.07.2013 3

EarthBound Translator Discusses Localisation Issues on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In an interview, one of the translators of Earthbound discussed some of the difficulties localising the game.

Marcus Lindbloom, who worked on the English/Westernisation of the Japanese RPG, highlighted some of the challenges the team faced with both branding and culture.

Taking the game that was "an outsider's view of the U.S. and turn it into something everybody here would play and understand" was just one of the challenges. Some designs, like the pixel work on buildings/vehicles, had to be altered. For example, "the artwork on the truck looks a little bit too much like the Coca-Cola logo, we need to change that."

Even the red crosses that adorned the hospitals had to be tweaked to avoid issues with the real-life The Red Cross organistion.

Interestingly Lindblom didn't meet with EarthBound creator/story writer Shigesato Itoi, with the designer not involved with the English localisation.

For more, read the full interview with Wired.

What are your thoughts on the themes and Western aspects to EarthBound?

Box art for EarthBound
Also known as

Mother 2






Turn Based RPG



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Wow, that was a really great interview! One of the best I've read in a while. It fully kept my attention. If you guys have the time and are interested, go and read the full interview! 

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

Yeah, the full interview is really interesting. It gets kind of heart warming in a few places. I'm very glad I've had the opportunity to play this game, and I'm also very glad that with the WiiU port, people can play the game again with paying through the nose for a copy on eBay or spending years rummaging through flea markets.

Also, for those scared of spoilers, I don't think the interview really spoils anything. It certainly doesn't spoil anything major. If anything, I think reading the interview before the game may cause a newfound appreciation for the work that went into the game as you play it (and perhaps an appreciation for translation in general).

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

TAG said:
 It certainly doesn't spoil anything major. If anything, I think reading the interview before the game may cause a newfound appreciation for the work that went into the game as you play it (and perhaps an appreciation for translation in general).

Agree 100%. It made me appreciate the game even more, and I've played through it multiple times. 

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

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