Capcom Digging Treasure for Gaist Crusher

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.07.2013

Capcom Digging Treasure for Gaist Crusher on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom have revealed the team working on the upcoming new IP Gaist Crusher for Nintendo 3DS, it's fellow Japanese studio Treasure.

Announced earlier this year, Gaist Crusher follows a group that can summon custom armour in order to face off giant beasts. The story revolves a rare/pure metal, Gaimetal, was discovered as a new form of energy. However metallic creatures, covered in Gaimetal, known as "Gaist" have begun to pose a treat to mankind. It's down to the Gaist Crusher Garrison (GCG) to tackle these new beasts.

Treasure, makers of Sin & Punishment and Gunstar Heroes, have stepped in to co-develop the game with Capcom.

What are your thoughts on the Gaist Crusher concept and Treasure's involvement?

Box art for Gaist Crusher








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