Nobuo Uematsu in Talks with Mistwalker

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.07.2013 3

Nobuo Uematsu in Talks with Mistwalker on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Mistwalker founder Hironobu Sakaguchi has teased that the studio could once again be working alongside Nobuo Uematsu.

Uematsu, famed composer for a multitude of franchises including Final Fantasy and Blue Dragon, previously collaborated with Mistwalker for Wii hit RPG The Last Story.

Will Uematsu be involved with a potential new WIi U project? Speaking to Siliconera, Uematsu teased that "well, you know, quite recently we've been talking together quite often," when talking about his involvement with Sakaguchi.

Would you like to hear Uematsu getting involved with Mistwalker once again - are you a fan of The Last Story compositions?

Box art for The Last Story





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I tried REALLY hard to get into The Last Story.  I really wanted to love it, but I just couldn't get into the battle system, which is too bad, because I'm certain I would've enjoy the storyline.

I really hope they'll team up with Nintendo again for a Wii U JRPG and stop messing around on iOS and the like. I loved The Last Story and want more JRPGs from Mistwalker.

This would be excellent if it's another original JRPG like Last Story, but for Marcus yeah I'm sure they'll have a VASTLY improved battle system given the raw power of the Wii U.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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