Nintendo 3DS Tops US June Hardware Chart

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.07.2013 4

Nintendo 3DS Tops US June Hardware Chart on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo 3DS is crowned leader in North America for June with impressive sales for both the hardware and software.

The latest NPD figures confirmed that Nintendo 3DS excelled during last month, selling 225,000 units - far beyond the Xbox 360, which took second place with 140,000 units sold. According to a Nintendo statement, software sales for the 3DS were up 105% compared to this time last year with nearly 3.6 million first-party games sold (physical/digital combined) - an increase of 85%.

The reason for the success is, in part, due to Animal Crossing: New Leaf, which sold 505,000 units with a healthy 20% of this figure purchased digitally through the Nintendo eShop. New Leaf was the second bestseller of the month, just pipped to the post by The Last of Us for PS3.

The Last of Us was one of our Beyond the Cube titles to look out for this year.

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon sold almost 115,000 combined units during June, bringing life-time sales for the quirky plumber brother's horror adventure to an impressive 750,000.

Nintendo refused to comment on the Wii U situation, however, but expects improvement with the release of Pikmin 3 next month.

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Such a shame that the 3DS is so doing so poorly. It had trouble early on, found some success, peaked, and is already on the declining road towards failure.

Those incredible sales numbers above? Bah, who needs them? All that we need to focus on is the word of video game analysts as they are NEVER wrong.

Coming from Global investment firm Jefferies & Co's Atul Goyal in June...
"3DS has already started to decline. This is even before Nintendo has started to divert game developer resources towards Wii U. As Nintendo tries to ignite sales for Wii U, it will take away more resources from 3DS, which will further diminish the appeal of 3DS."

Why did they have to remind me of the bleak horizon? Does anyone really believe that games like "Pokemon X & Y" and "Super Smash Bros." are actually going to sell? Fools. That's who thinks so.

( Edited 19.07.2013 14:31 by Sonic_13 )

Great that the 3DS is doin better now. Don't know what this other guy is talkin about.

Cubed3 Guest (guest) 19.07.2013#3

JudgeMethos said:
Great that the 3DS is doin better now. Don't know what this other guy is talkin about.

If by other guy you mean Sonic_13 then you either only read the first line of his post or missed the quite obvious criticism of the video game analysts.

So so sorry that i didn't initially get what was said Cubed3 guest. My bad that you had to visit and point that out. Simple mistake.

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