Nintendo Zones to Improve StreetPass 3DS Hits

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.07.2013 5

Nintendo Zones to Improve StreetPass 3DS Hits on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has confirmed that an upcoming system update for Nintendo 3DS will improve the ability to grab StreetPass hits on the move.

Nintendo 3DS owners who visit a Nintendo Zone location will be able to encounter another 3DS owner who previously visited that location and StreetPass with that person. For example if one 3DS owner visits a pub in the morning, another could potentially visit later in the day and exchange StreetPass data without having to physically be there at the same time.

The enhancement to the StreetPass network could allow for a bigger potential for those who want to increase their hits, with over 25,000 Nintendo Zone locations across Europe.

How many StreetPass hits do you have so far?

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I have around 270 Streetpass hits. 240 of that was in London, during the Zelda concert + MCM Expo.

I got a few hits in Asia (Taiwan, Singapore), which was fun. Mostly Japanese tourists I guess. It must be exciting for them to meet a guy from the Netherlands. Smilie

I've got over 800 on mine in Japan. I wish people in the UK used street pass more often like they do in Japan. I very rarely go out and not receive a hit. 

I'm hoping this will start a streetpass revolution. When you know you're definitely getting 2 hits per day when passing a Nintendo Zone (twice), you're going to take your 3DS with you. And so are others. So suddenly you also get streetpass hits in other places. And it could spread like oil in the ocean... more and more people in more and more places discovering it's wroth bringing your 3DS with you.

In the London tubes I got some hits, but that might have been because there was a comic con that weekend. Sadly I don't live in a crowded area, I doubt there'll be a Nintendo Zone close by.

The neat thing is this works by a relay system;

P1>>P2>>P3>>P4 etc.

You dont swap with the same person you got one from (as, obviously, they are no longer there). So instead you get a pass from the last person and leave a pass for the *next* person. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Yay, I already got 2 streetpass hits with this, without even knowing where the hotspots were!

I finally looked it up and discovered there's a Nintendo Zone hotspot right outside my work. And then 2 more in walking distance. Guess what I'll be doing during my breaks from now on? Smilie

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