Nintendo to go on UK Wii U and 3DS Tour

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.07.2013 1

Nintendo to go on UK Wii U and 3DS Tour on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo UK have confirmed plans for two UK tours this summer, bringing the latest Wii U and 3DS titles directly to fans.

The Wii U Den Tour

The Wii U Den Tour will be arriving at four destinations, bringing a range of games including New Super Mario Bros. U, Nintendo Land and LEGO City Undercover. Families will also be able to sample some of the Wii U's system apps including Miiverse.

The Wii U Den tour will be stopping off at:

  • Sunderland Air Show, Seaburn Park, Sunderland (27-28 July)
  • Bristol Balloon Fiesta, Ashton Court Estate, Bristol (8-11 August)
  • Eastbourne Airborne, King Edwards Parade, Eastbourne (15-18 August)
  • Clacton Air Show, Marine Parade West, Clacton-on-Sea (22-23 August)

Nintendo 3DS Festival of Fun

A huge range of Nintendo 3DS titles will be able to try on tour, past and upcoming, including Mario Kart 7, Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity, Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros., Luigi's Mansion 2, LEGO CITY Undercover: The Chase Begins and LEGO Legends of Chima: Laval's Journey.

During the Festival of Fun, there'll be Mario Kart 7 races, daily Animal Crossing: New Leaf tips and competitions.Nintendo 3DS Festival of Fun will be heading to:

  • Sunderland Air Show, Seaburn Park, Sunderland (27-28 July)
  • Nottingham Riverside Festival, Victoria Embankment, Nottingham (2-4 August)
  • Eastbourne Airborne, King Edwards Parade, Eastbourne (15-18 August)
  • Williamson Square (City Centre), William Square, Liverpool (22-25 August)
  • Bournemouth Air Festival, Bournemouth Sea Front, Bournemouth (29 August - 1 September)
Be sure to meet the Nintendo UK team for all the latest Wii U and 3DS gossip, tips and of course to sample the latest games.

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I should hopefully get to the Liverpool one. I'm not interested in playing any of the games, but it should be a good Streetpass opportunity.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

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