Super Smash. Bros Melee Sets New Viewing Records During Evo 2013 - Watch the Final Tournament Battle

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.07.2013 5

Super Smash. Bros Melee Sets New Viewing Records During Evo 2013 - Watch the Final Tournament Battle on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It was an intense weekend for fighting fans with Super Smash. Bros Melee setting new records during Evo 2013.

The game, which was played out in tournament style during Evo, has set new records for "most watch fighting game" according to the event's co-founder Tom Cannon. The live stream of the tournament, including the intense final battle (shown below), reach peaks of over 130 thousand.

Super Smash Bros. Melee was almost denied broadcast by Nintendo of America, but caved due to the intense fan demand.

In the final battle player "Mango" as Fox took on rival "Wobblez" as the Ice Climbers.


With that in mind, it's only proof that the gaming community would certainly welcome live broadcasts of matches in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. titles.

What are your thoughts on the longetivity of Super Smash Bros.? Have you entered any tournaments?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Melee

HAL Laboratory







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Way to spoil the results of the tournament Smilie I would have watched it if you hadn't.

Ricky (guest) 16.07.2013#2

It was actually the second most watched. Marvel hit 145k.

Hoping there's some good wombo combos! Smilie

Can't believe Melee is still played over Brawl, made me and cousin dig it out over the weekend, still a great and fantastic game. 

All 3 Smash games are great and will live on forever! 

Canyarion said:
Way to spoil the results of the tournament Smilie I would have watched it if you hadn't.

Really sorry about that, have amended the article.

Melee is a top game, really really competitive. Bro and I play it all the time Smilie

( Edited 17.07.2013 17:55 by jb )

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