Another Look at the Nintendo 3DS Gateway Flash Card

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.07.2013 13

Another Look at the Nintendo 3DS Gateway Flash Card on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The team behind the upcoming Nintendo 3DS Flash Card, Gateway, have posted another video of the device in action.

The peripheral is designed to run Nintendo 3DS software and homebrew by way of micro SD cards for storage. It would essentially allow users to run titles off the card itself. The new footage highlights a feature where the game's save data is transferred to and from the Nintendo 3DS hardware to the Gateway SD card when launching software or pressing the Home button.

Cubed3 does not condone the use of illegal roms/pirating games.

What do you think of Gateway and Nintendo 3DS Flash Cards?

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Nintendo should send out an update that bricks 3ds' that use these. Don't think they can do that though >.>

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101
Trabski (guest) 16.07.2013#2

That would be an odd way to treat your customers. Let's sabotage the products people bought because they don't use it like we told them to.

In which world would that be a reasonable or just action to take against your own consumers? (The corporate propaganda world I guess but nevermind...)

Are you serious?

It was more of a joke but it would stop people from getting games for free like this xD

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Trabski (guest) said:
That would be an odd way to treat your customers. Let's sabotage the products people bought because they don't use it like we told them to.

In which world would that be a reasonable or just action to take against your own consumers? (The corporate propaganda world I guess but nevermind...)

Are you serious?

It's not just the way the don't want them to, it's the way that the purchaser agreed to use the device.  Essentially if you use it and it brickes your device through Nintendo's programming or a malfunction, it's not their problem but yours.  

From the EULA (current version 11/2011):

"You may not use your Nintendo 3DS System with any unauthorized software, unauthorized device or make any technical modifications to the Nintendo 3DS System. Any such use or modification voids any warranty, is a breach of this Agreement, and may be illegal or cause performance issues and/or damage to your Nintendo 3DS System and related services. Nintendo (as well as any Nintendo licensees, distributors or retailers) are not responsible for any damage or loss caused by the use of such devices, software, or modifications."

What I think Nintendo needs to do is take a look at what features these flashcarts are providing that make them appealing that they can provide instead.  More sales on older 3DS software (much like Steam), quicker releases/cross-platform libraries of classic games, ease of transfer of software between devices, region free, and homebrew software.  

Yes in the end, they cannot beat piracy on a price point (free is just too tempting to many people), but generally speaking piracy is not just about price but many factors including services.

I think their new VC releases have started adding feature from emulators that were needed (multiple save states, freezes) and the recent update to allow you to backup the save data from games also added a way to do some of this for retail games.  Now I can play my Etrian Odyssey, backup my save, and let my wife play as well on her own save data all without losing what I've done. Now if they'd just make restoring save points as easy as backing them up!

Trabski (guest) 16.07.2013#5

Thanks, but that's not the point.
LKR was talking about making a purchase deliberately unusable because of something the manufacturer doesn't agree with. That's a conscious decision to break something you got money for.

You're talking about possible outcomes of incompatibility between unsupported hardware and licensed software. That goes for everything, not just flash cards. Everyone with half a brain knows you can expect that, and it's quite redundant to even put it in a user agreement.

It's a crucial difference and like I said, bricking would be an odd way to treat customers. To be honest I think it's actually unethical, like the BBC sending someone to smash your VCR because of anti-videotaping laws, or Apple bricking your music player because there's copied songs on it.

For me, the main draw of hacking / homebrew is for getting around the region lock. If the Wii was region free, I wouldn't have bothered hacking it. I'm currently not interested in this flash card, as I don't pirate games (except for, very rarely, fan translations such as Mother 3). I own several Japanese games which haven't been localised in the West, but with low Japanese skills, fan translations are the only option sometimes (I'll still often buy the game legit, Jump Ultimate Stars is too amazing to not own).

I realise that sometimes there are licensing issues, such as with JUS, but if more games that the fans want were localised, or even if the region lock was lifted, I'm pretty sure a lot of people would no longer have a reason to consider these things.

I'm still against flash cards overall - I've met soooo many casual gamers with R4 DS cards, with no idea that downloading games for it was actually illegal.

( Edited 16.07.2013 16:14 by Ikana )

That is a terrible example. Recording terestrial television is allowed but redundant as the method isnt exactly the best way to obtain a copy of media you'd want to keep and use, DVDs, netflix or Tivo like devices are avalible at a price and are superior, however straight up downloading something shows zero support or respect for the company you are complaining on for not letting you "use the thing you bought how you want". You might say "i already bought the console, they already have my money" again no, most consoles don't really make much profit for the company, it's the games sales that do, like the wii u is set at a price (or was at launch) where they dont make a profit or loss, however as soon as you buy your first game, they make a profit, and the ps3 around launch made a rather large lose and wouldn't make it back until a couple games were sold. Flash carts DO cripple the games industry and ARE a deterrent for games to even be developed. Why make games for something that noone is going to pay for? "oh but i want it for homebrew and unofficial software, not roms" No you don't. stop lieing.

Flash carts for current gen systems cripple the games industry, they are no good and you can't call yourself a gamer nor a dedicated fan if you get one. You don't deserve an opinion in anything if you don't support the creators and publishers. You deserve to have your device bricked and whilst we're at this, go die in a fire.

"Flash carts for current gen systems cripple the games industry, they are no good and you can't call yourself a gamer nor a dedicated fan if you get one. You don't deserve an opinion in anything if you don't support the creators and publishers. You deserve to have your device bricked and whilst we're at this, go die in a fire."

Wow, just wow.

Your ignorant and arrogance here is staggering.

Go look at the ds homebrew scene. IT WAS HUGE.

Some homebrew apps even became published apps eventually.

People DO buy these things for homebrew, myself included. Hell, the card I owned (GBAMP) couldn't even run commercial games!

But it could run:
*MP3/OGG/Midi playing software (with decent sized wavetable)
*Jpeg/PNG gallery viewer.
*PuzzleManik - fantastic free procedral puzzle software. (now for sale)
*Video files (crudely).
*CBR files (I used to read Heroes free comics on it)
*Crude webbrowser.
*Amazing proof of concept steroscopic demo exploiting a oddity in the original model dss display.
*PAinting program (cant remember the name, had a nifty smudge tool)
*A port of Knytts story - supported modules!
(many many more) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+
Darkflame (guest) 16.07.2013#9

So Virtues Last Reward becomes safe to play again Smilie

Absolutely must get for me this then.  I really look forward to homebrew too, there was some insane stuff on the DS.
Maybe headtracking 3d? (with l/r flipping)
More elborate AR?
Better webbrowser?

So much I want to see Smilie

Trabski (guest) 17.07.2013#10

Welshwuff, I put effort in replying to you but there seem to be technical problems. So let me just say you lost the argument by wishing your opponent a gruesome death and no right to freedom of speech.

Guys - please, there is no need for this debate to get heated.


Maybe Nintendo should release software that boggles the controls for those who do play roms on these cards? For example up is down, left becomes right and the bottom screen the picture goes upside down? lol

( Edited 17.07.2013 17:59 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Guys - please, there is no need for this debate to get heated.


Maybe Nintendo should release software that boggles the controls for those who do play roms on these cards? For example up is down, left becomes right and the bottom screen the picture goes upside down? lol

Now that would be awesome xD

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

The gateway 3ds card only can work with Nintendo 3DS V4.5.0 or below.

For the gamers of V6.2.0,maybe the downgrade is a better solution.

I think the Gateway-3DS team can think about it .

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