Christian Svensson Leaves Capcom in Company Restructure

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.07.2013 1

Christian Svensson Leaves Capcom in Company Restructure on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The face of Capcom's PR in recent years Christian Svensson has left the company as part of a staff re-organisation.

The US arm has shuffled about its team, resulting in the loss of several employees in a bid to restructure the Western branch of the publisher. Svensson, who had been with Capcom for eight years, confirmed that he had volunteered to leave.

I know that I wasn't always able to deliver what they wanted, but I promise that I did my best to champion their needs and wants. So thank you to the fans who made my job rewarding, challenging, and, if nothing else, interesting.

Our thoughts go out to those affected by the move.

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This is really sad Smilie Svensson was always so good to the fans, asking Capcom Japan about games we wanted, I'm pretty sure he played a large part in us getting Ace Attorney 5 at all, and I hope his leaving doesn't mean the end of AAI2 hopes.

I hope he does great wherever he goes now, same with the others who lost their jobs. :c

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