Ubisoft: ZombiU Not Profitable on Nintendo Wii U, Not Even Close

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.07.2013 5

Ubisoft: ZombiU Not Profitable on Nintendo Wii U, Not Even Close on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot commented on the Wii U's initial performance and one of the reasons why Rayman Legends has ended up multiplatform.

The publisher, one of the biggest third party support on Nintendo Wii U so far, released ZombiU as an exclusive launch title last November. However, despite performing well with critics and new Wii U adopters, Guillemot revealed that ZombiU "was not profitable. Not even close", speaking to GamesIndustry.

There are currently no plans for a sequel.

It was because of the performance of ZombiU that Ubisoft decided to make Rayman Legends into a multiplatform game.

The publisher wants to "ensure the creativity of those games could have a big enough audience" and will be re-evaluating the situation post-Christmas.

What are your thoughts on Guillemot's comments and the performance of ZombiU?

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Sad, Zombi U is the best survival game i've played in ages.

I bought ZombieU at launch and although it had some issues I enjoyed it. The last week or so, it is starting to sound like Ubisoft are ready to pull the pin on their major support of WiiU from 2014 onwards. I don't really know how Nintendo can turn this situation around with 3 rd parties seeing it has been a constant battle for them since the start of the Nintendo 64 days?

When in doubt....Whip it out!

Wasn't Ubisoft talking about testing ideas for a sequel just a month or so ago?


( Edited 09.07.2013 16:47 by Sonic_13 )

There isnt much developer confidence out there, and to be fair there isn't much consumer confidence either! 

I worry about this because if Ubi don't even want to make exclusive crap for the console then what luck to we have on the other large devs/publishers?

Lucky we have Nintendo eh....

Exactly Flynnie! Perfectly said!

When in doubt....Whip it out!

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