New Details on Nintendo 3DS eBook Service

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.07.2013 2

New Details on Nintendo 3DS eBook Service on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Literary heads can bask in new details of the upcoming eBook service heading to Nintendo 3DS from Dai Nippon Printing.

The Japan-based publisher confirmed a handful of new details on the new service during the International Book Fair this weekend. As part of a collaboration with Nintendo, Dai Nippon will be aiming the initial selection of digital paperbacks towards children.

The audience is intended to introduce simple, easy to read books to the younger grade-school audience.

Dubbed honto, the software will be a free download that'll include picture books, children's novels and, of course, a range of useful educational material catagorised by age/reading level.

Titles on the honto app will be available from between 700¥ (£4/$6) to 200¥ (£13/$19).

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that's great news for nintendo lovers.

That's cool I suppose, but I'm not the target market for it. Reading text for long sessions, like a book, is kind of a fatiguing. I feel like I spend too much time looking at a bright screen anyway, so anytime I can choose between a bright screen or not, I'll choose the not. E-ink screens or actual ink on paper is the much preferred way to read for me.

But this is targeted to kids, so the reading sessions will be shorter and likely broken up with pictures. Plus it's on a game system. I don't know about today's kids, but I would have thought that was awesome when I was little. If they include some interactive elements, liking touching a word to hear how to pronounce it, that'll be awesome. If I had children (that spoke Japanese I guess), I would buy this for them. Heck, that might be an awesome for me to practice Japanese! If only the 3DS wasn't region locked Smilie

I talked myself into liking the product, but now I can't buy it.Smilie

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

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