Nintendo Tested Other Zelda Titles for Wii U Upgrade including Twilight Princess

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.07.2013 5

Nintendo Tested Other Zelda Titles for Wii U Upgrade including Twilight Princess on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Launching The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD on Wii U may hot have been as straightoward as it may seem from the outsider's perspective.

In an interview with Legend of Zelda series producer producer Eiji Aonuma, he confirmed that the studio performed a few tests on existing games like Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword, converting both games to HD.

The two latest home-console Zelda "are semi-realistic representations of the Zelda world so we weren't really surprised with what we got", Aonuma said. However by bringing The Wind Waker into a more current form, "we were really surprised at how great it looked."

With the improved hardware, compared to the decade-old Nintendo GameCube, it's allowed the team to "create the complete Wind Waker experience on Wii U".

Interestingly the decision to use The Wind Waker as the Wii U test, was initially fought internally at Nintendo as "there was actually a lot of pushback", he admitted. It was felt that there were some reservations amongst fans about using the cell-shaded Link, but Nintendo of America confirmed that there wasn't such a negative reaction to Toon Link ten years later.

Do you feel The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker was the right choice to bring to the HD world on Wii U?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker





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I dont understand Nintendo sometimes. They truly baffle me.
Question 1: why would you bother even thinking of re-releasing the last two games especially SS that are all too fresh in peoples minds?

Question 2: How surprised could you truly be by upscaling a celshaded game in HD. Your working with minimal textures and effects?

THe N64 games surely deserve the HD treatment and since Ocarina was wasted on the 3DS, for me, the only option was majoras mask.  

Too soon for the others indeed.
Lets not forget TWW is also by far the cheapest to improve quality for.

"t and since Ocarina was wasted on the 3DS, for me, the only option was majoras mask.  "

What do you mean wasted :? <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I'd agree with you meeto on the Majora - would be great to have seen it remade and possibly fleshed out a little on Wii U - perhaps refining it with a few more recent mechanics, like the button press to run for example.

Defo too soon for TP and especially SS.

( Edited 05.07.2013 00:20 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Darkflame said:
Too soon for the others indeed.
Lets not forget TWW is also by far the cheapest to improve quality for.

"t and since Ocarina was wasted on the 3DS, for me, the only option was majoras mask.  "

What do you mean wasted :?

I think Ocarina is a very grand and majestic game and I feel it would have looked incredibly beautiful in full HD (especially if they reworked all the assets) Turning it from a N64 game to a gamecube game just seems beneath it. And then to only have it on a handheld seems very sacrilege.

Nintendo seems to be making many decisions based on cost in my opinion. To think we had so many 3d platforms 10 yrs ago why are we being fed so many 2d side scrollers. Its really frustrating.  

The 3DS is actually more powerfull then the Wii though - thats a substanial increase in power aside from the 3D.
They could have put more money into the port though. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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