Wii Karaoke U Heading to Europe this Year

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.07.2013

Wii Karaoke U Heading to Europe this Year on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo are aiming to transform the living room into a karaoke machine with online leaderboard support.

Whether you're a swooning soprano or fancy belting out the casual song or two, Nintendo's Wii Karaoke U, in association with Joysound, aims to offer a vast catalogue of tunes to sing. The service works in the same way as the Japanese version. The app itself is free but requires access tickets to be purchased - one hour, 24 hours or 30 days.

Wii Karaoke U supports the GamePad as a microphone in addition to standard USB microphones.

The app also offers three main modes. The first gives a score at the end of the performance, a second offers constructive feedback and the third taps into online leaderboards. Can you be the top scoring vocalist in your region?

Finally, for those who like to show off a little, there'll be the ability to post scores onto Miiverse.

Wii Karaoke U is out later this year on the Nintendo eShop - will you be hitting high notes on Wii U?

Box art for Wii Karaoke U








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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