What does a big basket of bananas have to do with a Nintendo post-E3 event? It can only be Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze for Wii U.
During the post-E3 session hosted by Nintendo UK this week, series fan Az took on the vibrant new worlds in the Retro Studios-developed Tropical Freeze in two-player co-operative play, controlling the cheeky simian Diddy Kong. It may not be the brand new IP that fans were expecting from Retro; but it certainly looks the part and has enough tweaks to attempt to perfect the classic 2D formula.
In the playthrough video, off camera, Az explores one of the levels shown in the demo.
For more on Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, be sure to read our hands-on preview.
C3 Plays video includes music and commentary.
Will you be joining the Kongs in their latest platforming outing this year?