One of the bigger highlights during this week's post-E3 playthrough sessions was the multiplayer frenzy that is Super Mario 3D World.
Pitched as co-operative Mario multiplayer in vibrant 3D worlds, the latest major Mario project from Nintendo EAD brings the porky plumber to the 3D high definition space for the first time. Throw in cat-suits and level designs inspired by classics Super Mario Bros. games and you'll have the perfect way to spend an evening with friends, or simply going at it alone with four very distinctive characters.
Cubed3's Suzie and myself tackled the multiplayer mode with each of the different playable characters, including Princess Peach and Luigi, encountering the much talked about cat power-up and a boss battle to top it all off. Unfortunately only half the video made the cut due to a few teething issues (a Kremling borrowed the camera mid-filming).
C3 Plays video includes music and commentary.