Peter Molyneux Wonders if Wii U was a "Reaction to SmartGlass"

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.06.2013 9

Peter Molyneux Wonders if Wii U was a "Reaction to SmartGlass" on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Industry veteran Peter Molyneux recently aired his views on the Wii U in the midst of the impending shift to the next generation.

In an interview this week Molyneux put forward his view on the industry, noting how he feels the driving force behind "creating new gamers", introducing new people to gaming, isn't from the traditional means but from mobile/indie companies like Rovio, creators of Angry Birds.

Molyneux feels that Nintendo's hardware "is starting to get in the way" of bringing people in the industry, noting how he feels the Wii U is "very clunky, doesn't really feel like it's cutting edge" and wonders if the Wii U was a "kind of reaction to [Microsoft's] SmartGlass" technology.

That said, Molyneux did conclude by stating that the industry and critics should "never underestimate Nintendo. We'll probably be sitting here in a couple years saying, 'Oh that's what they were doing'."

What do you think of Molyneux's comments on Nintendo and the current industry situation?

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Molyneux wonders if the Wii U was a "kind of reaction to SmartGlass" technology.

SmartGlass was announced at E3 2012
Wii U was announced at E3 2011.

Who was a reaction to who now?

Molyneux feels that Nintendo's hardware "is starting to get in the way" of bringing people in the industry, noting how he feels the Wii U is "very clunky, doesn't really feel like it's cutting edge"
Two Options:
A) Buy Wii U. All set to play games (all games compatible).
B) Buy Xbox 360. Buy iPad/tablet. Download SmartGlass App. Connect to System. All set to play games (few games compatible).

Which method is clunkier and more prohibitive to getting people gaming? Maybe it's not as "cutting edge", but Wii U is a hell of a lot cheaper and simpler to use than SmartGlass.

Sonic_13 youv'e said everything needed, except its amazing how so many people are trying to push Nintendo Multiplatform Software and step out of Hardware manufacturing. This alone shows that it pretty universally excepted Nintendo make the best games of all published.

Again, that's my point, Sonic13.
Why are people even listening to this guy? Even with reusing their 'old' IPs and re-releasing games, Nintendo keeps gaming fresh and does implement new ideas. Heck, they keep Jump'n'Run alive and move it into 2014, just where do you get Super Mario Wii U's 2D(!) Jump'n'run but at Nintendo?
Molineux may have done some okay games (He still runs on Populous' steam, I daresay!), but who else like indi-developers has used platforming (Angry Birds did)? Nintendo does!

Not Microsoft

Not Sony

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I've never listened to a word this man has ever said. In fact I always actively avoid listening to his "wisdom". Some time in the 90's I came to the conclusion he's an idiot. He may have made some popular games, but he has always seemed clueless about the wider industry. Actually, clueless in general. 

If wiiu gamepad was a reaction to Smart glass then why didn't Nintendo have a reaction to x1 hardware specs? Its obvious smartglass was a reaction to wiiu just as kinect was a reaction to the wiimote. Nintendo are the innovators, as always the others follow. This guy is better off commenting on the Microsoft and Sony multimedia devices and leave commenting on games consoles to those who are unbiased and know what they talkin bout.

Put this into one post because it was repeated three times- Stu.

( Edited 19.06.2013 23:26 by Stulaw )

Trepe said:
Some time in the 90's I came to the conclusion he's an idiot.

More or less my path to wisdom...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!
Kaihaku (guest) 20.06.2013#7

I have to wonder where these "experts" come from and why people listen to them? If anything the Wii U was a reaction to the success of the, wait for it, Nintendo DS.

Exactly, it derives from the DS, not from Smart Glass - Microsoft fell flat on the nose to combine platforms with their Games for Windows together with Xbox-gaming and their gaming center, so why should Nintendo even copy them? The may have snatched ideas from Dreamcast, but not from Microsoft. Why should they? A company, which establishes a PC into the living room (read: Games you have to install to play on Xbone and before that patches for console games), isn't exactly my idea of a motor of innovation.

And Molineux isn't so, either. His games are very great and big, because of the hot air pumped into them. Flood was good, but I bet he wasn't involved in that one...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Trepe said:
I've never listened to a word this man has ever said. In fact I always actively avoid listening to his "wisdom". Some time in the 90's I came to the conclusion he's an idiot. He may have made some popular games, but he has always seemed clueless about the wider industry. Actually, clueless in general. 


Moliwho??? The guys is an idiot... FACT. All agreed.. case settled!! 


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