The Wii U version of Call of Duty: Ghosts may end up fading into nothing with confusing comments from producer Mark Rubin.
Last week Rubin suggested that there was a Nintendo Wii U version, however in a more recent follow-up he clarified his remark, suggesting that "I don't even know the answer to that... I was trying to say in the interview [that] I really don't know and I'm not supposed to talk about it."
GamesIndustry then quizzed Rubin into if the Wii U could handle the upcoming project, to which he replied - "I imagine [it could], yeah. If you look at the hardware specs, I think it would be more in line with 360 and PS3, but I'm not sure". Rubin suggests that a hypothetical Wii U version could "bump it up a little higher than that".
With that in mind, Call of Duty: Ghosts for Wii U once again returns to an "unknown" status and is confirmed for a number of platforms including Xbox 360, PS3, PS4, Xbox One and PC.
Would you buy a version of Call of Duty: Ghosts for Nintendo Wii U?