E3 2013 | Nintendo Comments on Lack of Online Super Mario 3D World

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.06.2013 12

E3 2013 | Nintendo Comments on Lack of Online Super Mario 3D World on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The development team behind Super Mario 3D World have commented on reasons why there's to be no online play in the upcoming game.

Nintendo have been fairly conservative when it comes to playing co-operatively online. Whilst Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. have catered to battles and races, fans have requested online multiplayer for titles like New Super Mario Bros.

The new 3D multiplayer platformer Super Mario 3D World will not feature online play and instead will remain as local multiplayer online.

The main reason is essentially the same as Nintendo's reasoning for New Super Mario Bros. or Wii Sports: being physically around other players and seeing reactions first hand.

"I think that we've always wanted to focus on being able to see the other players around you. I always thought that was fun", highlighted Koichi Hayashida in an interview with Time Magazine during E3. Nintendo are shying away from online play as the team wanted to "accomplish the same kind of feeling in a 3D Mario" as players had with the first two-player Super Mario Bros. on the NES.

Hayashida also feels that with the inclusion of Princess Peach that "that people will be able to play the game with their girlfriends".

What do you think about the lack of co-operative online play in Super Mario 3D World?

Box art for Super Mario 3D World





3D Platformer



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ok good, i was worried about spending too much cash this year, i just wont be getting this one at all then. I litterally have noone to play with and would only be interested in this for the multiplayer, without online its a waste for me.

Wasted opportunity, if you ask me. Yes it's fun to see the people around you, but what if you don't have a group to play with? Why can't this game have both local AND online multiplayer? C'mon Ninty... step up your game..

With that being said, I'm sure it'll still be a great game and hopefully I can get a couple of friends to play it or something.

( Edited 16.06.2013 01:22 by Mush )

Someone should tell Ninty that in the west, multiplayer is sometimes like Streetpass, you get one once in a while but it's not always common enough to base a strong game feature on.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Does need it imo, would easily up the replay value quite considerably. Can be a pain to get right though, but can see online play for these sorts of games being good fun.

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Kaihaku (guest) 16.06.2013#5

I don't mind so much for Super Mario 3D World as I think will still be good fun single player but Nintendoland really needs online multiplayer to be a worthwhile title. If Smash Brothers and Mario Kart have it, why not Nintendoland?

ugh this is getting annoying now. We know it's great to play games like this local, but not all the time is it ideal because you won't be able to have a friend to play all the time with. Another wasted opportunity unfortunately >.>

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I would have thought that the actual reason was that it's designed for everybody to be in the same camera angle since it's all on one screen. They would have to force that in online multiplayer when everybody has their own screen, otherwise players would go all over the place in levels that aren't designed for that.

I'll play this alone most of the time because if it's anything like 3D Land it'll have a lot of stuff to unlock and do in levels. At the very least this is Mario, I'm sure I can convince people to play this game with me over something like...The Wonderful 101. Pikmin 3's Bingo Battle mode might just work though.

Oh well, Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. (hopefully without any atrocious input delay) will have to do for my online multiplayer fix. I do wish that Nintendo would experiment with online play a bit more. The genres they leave it out in commonly don't have online multiplayer and there's a lot of untapped potential. Fortune Street had online, which can be every bit as chaotic as Mario Party. Mario Party on the Wii U with voice chat would be hilarious. Nobody makes these games quite like Nintendo, it's a shame that I have almost nobody to play with locally more than once a month.

SirLink said:
I would have thought that the actual reason was that it's designed for everybody to be in the same camera angle since it's all on one screen. They would have to force that in online multiplayer when everybody has their own screen, otherwise players would go all over the place in levels that aren't designed for that.

That's a pretty good point.

If players were locked onto a screen during online play people might complain about that too.
Hm, can't win 'em all.

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"new" is Nintendos codeword for no effort.

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Nintendo don't know what CHOICE means. :/

Pathetic in this day and age.

Grimui (guest) 18.06.2013#11

Don't force me to meet new people Nintendo. I'm just fine here living like a hermit in my non-threatening internet bubble.
Making friends requires making an effort.
Why would you expect that from your consumers?

Crazy company.

"...Super Mario 3D World will not feature online play..."

Aaaaaaand, THERE it is. Damn it all, Nintendo. When are you going to get with the times? Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

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