E3 2013 | EA Would Support Nintendo Wii U if the Audience Increases

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.06.2013 9

E3 2013 | EA Would Support Nintendo Wii U if the Audience Increases on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Both EA and Nintendo have both addressed the publisher's support fot the Wii U in a recent interview during E3.

Speaking to Joystiq, Nintendo of America's head of corporate communications Charlie Scibetta highlighted that EA simply "want what all third parties want and what we want: for the install base to grow" and feels that the Wii U titles due in the next six months and into 2014 will help increase the install base to "look more enticing to third parties."

Electronic Arts Labels President Frank Gibeau echoed Scibetta's statements and put it simply: "the only thing they can do to fix it is to sell more boxes. We're a rational company, we go where the audience is", noting the logical business model. "We publish games where we think we can make a great game and hit a big audience, and make money".

Gibeau used Need for Speed: Most Wanted for Wii U as an example, that despite having a good press ratings and extra content, "it's just not selling because there's no boxes."

That said, EA won't rule out the company completely, with Gibeau confirming that "we'll look at the Wii U, we'll continue to observe it. If it becomes a viable platform from an audience standpoint, we'll jump back in."

What EA published titles would you like to see on Wii U going forward?

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I don't personally care about EA's games in general, but I know that a lot of people do, so having their games on the Wii U would definitely help its sales and image.

EA needs to stop thinking it's "gracing" nintendo with its presence and realise their privliaged Nintendo hasnt just completely shut them out for their unprofessionalism the past couple years.

Locknuts (guest) 16.06.2013#3

Makes perfect sense to me. I still think something more 'personal' happened between EA and Nintendo, but it looks like they're getting over that now and just being logical about it.

Fifa sold less that 100k on Wii U, whereas even the Vita managed over 200K. Meanwhile Fifa games on the original Wii seem to sell ok, so I can see where EA is coming from.

I think Nintendo has a solid lineup leading up to Christmas and beyond so I can definitely see the Wii U selling well providing the PS4 doesn't steal all of its thunder.

ea talking rubbish again. when the xbox and playstation launch there aint going to be no installer base on those consoles but yet they are going to be graced with all ea franchises, even more expensive to make than wiiu. what reason do people have to upgrade to ps4 and xboxone when the same games will appear on 360 and ps3. ea will be back on nintendo but bar fifa and madden nothing else will sell

Supa_hyped said:
ea talking rubbish again. when the xbox and playstation launch there aint going to be no installer base on those consoles but yet they are going to be graced with all ea franchises, even more expensive to make than wiiu. what reason do people have to upgrade to ps4 and xboxone when the same games will appear on 360 and ps3. ea will be back on nintendo but bar fifa and madden nothing else will sell

I think you nailed it. X1 and PS4 will get get massive support right from the start with no install base. Nintendo barely got support from the start. Remember, despite the sales troubles now, Wii U sold extremely well during launch, yet EA only ramped down support.

Any future support from EA is likely only to come in the forms of FIFA and Madden.

There are several companies that I believe will ramp up support once the userbase increases (Ubisoft is a big one), but I also don't believe EA for a second.

Kaihaku (guest) 16.06.2013#6

I bought Need for Speed: Most Wanted Wii U, it was an excellent port. I would have bought more of EA's ports if they hadn't been so lazy or isolated. I've been waiting to play the Mass Effect series for years...but instead of releasing Mass Effect Trilogy they only released Mass Effect 3. I want to play the entire series and have my save data carry through, not play the last game with no idea what happened before. So I decided that I'll eventually pick it up for the PC dirt cheap instead.

ME3 was just the weirdest gaming industry decision in years. Why release part 3 of a series that people have EITHER played on other systems, OR not played at all.... and then before the game is out, announce a Trilogy edition of the game on other systems? That's just asking for poor sales.

Interesting article from 2008 where the CEO of EA admits to focusing too much on the 360 and PS3 and missing an opportunity with the Wii.

Canyarion said:
ME3 was just the weirdest gaming industry decision in years. Why release part 3 of a series that people have EITHER played on other systems, OR not played at all.... and then before the game is out, announce a Trilogy edition of the game on other systems? That's just asking for poor sales.

The interesting thing though is if you look at attachment rates for the game, the Wii U version has nearly the same attachment rate as the PS3 version (it's actually slightly higher)
3.56% of Xbox 360 owners have the game
1.45% of Wii U owners have the game
1.44% of PS3 owners have the game

( Edited 17.06.2013 15:13 by Sonic_13 )

origonalname112 (guest) 22.06.2013#9

EA needs to realize that the only way wii u's audience will grow is if they support it.

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