E3 2013 | Nintendo Looking to Explore DLC Options for Legend of Zelda

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.06.2013 20

E3 2013 | Nintendo Looking to Explore DLC Options for Legend of Zelda on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The chap behind The Legend of Zelda, Eiji Aonuma, has revealed that team is looking into how to incorporate DLC in the future.

Once a Legend of Zelda title is complete and the credits roll, there often is fairly little to do aside from try to achieve 100% collection status. The game can, of course, be played again in the occasional plus/harder mode, but this is all very much driven by the content already on the cartridge or disc.

Aonuma confirmed that the team are "looking at different ways to add on content that would enhance the experience for the user" and some of these ideas could be "more places to explore or just to enrich the experience beyond what is on the disc."

On that note, Aonuma feels that the DLC has to be worth it to justify and potential charges for this extra content - "it's certainly a balancing an act, but I can't say that it is something we're not considering", he concluded.

Extra bonus dungeons, items and missions, perhaps?

With DLC being commonplace in this generation of gaming and the Wii U/3DS well equipped for download content, what sorts of Legend of Zelda DLC would you like included in the future?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild





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Would prefer to see DLC for X, Smash Bros and Mario Kart. In my opinion Zelda games are long enough, maybe too long. DLC is overkill.

Imo - not paid as such, but would love a mission mode for Zelda. Trade quests, speedrun tests, defeat X amount of enemies in a preset room etc - really easy and would be great with leaderboards!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Zelda is pretty much the worst game for DLC Smilie

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Yeah, they should keep Zelda all on the disc/cartridge.
I wouldn't want DLC for Zelda.

Cheesing it up said:
Yeah, they should keep Zelda all on the disc/cartridge.
I wouldn't want DLC for Zelda.
Since when does having DLC mean that we aren't getting a full game? I know that most big publishers are like this, but with Nintendo releasing the New Super Luigi U DLC for NSMBU, it makes me think that they could release something as big as that for a Zelda game. Aonuma wouldn't release a short game then release DLC to complete the game.

Though, I do agree with JayUK and I'd prefer to see DLC for games like Mario Kart and Smash Bros. to make them last us even longer. (Even though they'll both already have tons of replay value.)

Mush said:
Cheesing it up said:
Yeah, they should keep Zelda all on the disc/cartridge.
I wouldn't want DLC for Zelda.
Since when does having DLC mean that we aren't getting a full game?

There are definitely developers like that, but Nintendo has done well with their mantra of "make the best game you possibly can...then add to it via DLC if desired"

Mush said:
Cheesing it up said:
Yeah, they should keep Zelda all on the disc/cartridge.
I wouldn't want DLC for Zelda.
Since when does having DLC mean that we aren't getting a full game?

Since Capcom and EA got caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Its sad because its created this unwarranted hate and bile towards expansion packs. 

Nintendo's dlc seems to be an afterthought with games though so I'm sure if we get dlc for games like Zelda and Smash bros then it should be done right.

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its important that they release a finished product and only have DLC as a bonus for those craving alittle more. This is something i feel nintendo polish will get right in the future, alot of companies seem rush and fart out an unfinished product then release the fixes, patches and original intention to play as DLC. That said, i dont really like the idea of DLC for zelda, having each game have its own distinct emersive world is important but having DLC just rips that world appart. "Opp theres a dungeon here now that wasnt there before also your £15 poorer somehow, how bout that!". "boy this game is a challenge huh, good thing we bought a better sword, now its like we're not even playing!".

Smashbros would be nice, like one or two new chacters/levels every couple months just to keep people comming back.

( Edited 15.06.2013 00:02 by welshwuff )

i am quite addicted to legend of Zelda right now.its addictive.

Basically I would want them to do Skyrim DLC basically expansions. I see a lot of people think of DLC as little things such as characters or guns... They can be literally expansions to the game... Nintendo has tried to do expansions in the past to previous games. :3

I think dlc is a minefield than Nintendo should probably stay away from. I think it's an excuse for a lot of developers to become lazy and greedy and release stuff that should have been in the game from the start. Even if they aren't lazy or greedy it still can come across that way in the eyes of people who forked out (usually quite a considerable amount) for a game. People (whether right or not) will feel shafted after buying a game they can't fully appreciate. It also means resources could be taken away from creating the next game in the series. 

( Edited 15.06.2013 09:51 by Trepe )

Would anyone pay for a "Master Quest" version of a future Zelda game (something I definitely see them doing, even working on in parallel to the main game)?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

imo master quest is like mirror mode, so no. if zelda is to receive dlc it should be additional quests i.e once zelda is saved give her some missions, its over due 

jb said:
Imo - not paid as such, but would love a mission mode for Zelda. Trade quests, speedrun tests, defeat X amount of enemies in a preset room etc - really easy and would be great with leaderboards!

A separate mode would be just fine or even a Master Quest that's maybe more modified than just mirroring everything and having enemies do more damage, I just don't want them to add anything to the main game at a later point, free or not. Zelda games always felt like some of the most complete and closed games to me and I would like them to stick with that mentality.

( Edited 15.06.2013 10:57 by SirLink )

The games were DLC work are ones neatly divided up; levels,tracks,characters.....those can be added.

Zelda should be a big,seamless world and story. Inserting stuff just isnt so natural.

Besides, if they have an extra dungeon idea put it in! or save it for the next game if it comes to late.

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Darkflame said:
The games were DLC work are ones neatly divided up; levels,tracks,characters.....those can be added.

Zelda should be a big,seamless world and story. Inserting stuff just isnt so natural.

Besides, if they have an extra dungeon idea put it in! or save it for the next game if it comes to late.

Exactly, it just doesn't feel right. Obviously we don't know for sure but I wouldn't be surprised if they used leftover dungeon ideas in later games much more often than just in the case of The Wind Waker.

Trepe said:
I think dlc is a minefield than Nintendo should probably stay away from. I think it's an excuse for a lot of developers to become lazy and greedy and release stuff that should have been in the game from the start. Even if they aren't lazy or greedy it still can come across that way in the eyes of people who forked out (usually quite a considerable amount) for a game. People (whether right or not) will feel shafted after buying a game they can't fully appreciate. It also means resources could be taken away from creating the next game in the series. 

Yeah I think this is the case with Zelda, plus its such an unnatural fit. Its much better suited to Mario Kart or Smash Bros where we only get one a generation, and theres not much of a story to speak of. So the whole just put it in the next game mindset isn't there. I think a lot of people would be happy to pay extra to play a Mario Kart with 64 tracks, or a Smash Bros  with a representive of every 1st party game. These things you'd never get without DLC, because nintendo would have to charge like £60 to get a return on investment.

DLC for X is also a good idea I think, because Xenoblade was so sidequest heavy. They could do it similar to Fallout New Vegas, with them having their own story arc, its also a great place to experiment with a new atmosphere or gameplay idea. Dead Money(Fallout New Vegas) felt as claustrophobic as a Metroid game, and Operation Anchorage felt like Goldeneye reborn. It makes for a great change of pace.


Out of all the Zelda games I actually think The Wind Waker would be the best suited to get extra DLC. It's a game about exploring and sailing seas. Nintendo could easily create a couple more far off islands with dungeons to explore, or even give Link the ability to swim under water and find new underwater locations and treasures. 

Generally I'm against DLC in Zelda though. 

( Edited 15.06.2013 16:16 by Trepe )

Yeah windwaker is the obvious choice, I kinda wish they were adding extra stuff to it. Some people really disliked it but i really enjoyed just sailing and exploring the ocean.

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