E3 2013 | Iwata: "Many Unannounced Game Titles" in Development

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.06.2013 12

E3 2013 | Iwata: "Many Unannounced Game Titles" in Development on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Worried about Nintendo's first party schedule? Iwata has reassured investors and fans that more games are on the way.

It's been a turbulent two years for Nintendo. Both the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS have had rocky starts, but the House of Mario has been more than capable of bringing their best efforts to both systems.

With a healthy, increasingly strong performance and presence for the Nintendo 3DS in particular, Iwata hopes to keep that momentum going throughout 2014 and beyond.

With Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Mario & Luigi: Dream Team, Pokémon X/Y and The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds out before the New Year, there's a worry that the stream of titles may tail off into 2014.

Yoshi's New Island, Mario Golf: World Tour and the new Super Smash Bros. 3DS are a trio of Nintendo games penned for 2014, but the Japanese game house does have "many unannounced game titles" on the way for Nintendo 3DS that will produce "a sufficient number of first-party titles for the platform next year as well."

Iwata also commented on the Wii U's schedule for the coming months, with a solid selection available this year including Pikmin 3, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and Super Mario 3D World out before Christmas.

The Nintendo boss states that the company "believe that we can dramatically improve the situation of Wii U" and hopes that with a strong first-party lineup, "an enriched third-party software lineup will follow."

What franchises are you hoping Nintendo will announce for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U in the coming months?

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Not at all worried about the 3DS. I can't keep up with all the good games that are already out, let alone the fact we have more coming. Was sad to see Mario Golf delayed to 2014, but oh well.

If you think Animal Crossing: New Leaf is helping sell 3DSs, just wait until Pokemon X + Y come out. 3DS sales will trump Xboner, PS4 and the Wii this holiday. (Not combined.... I don't think... It is Pokemon...)

I was wary about new Pokemon X/Y to be honest, but the more I see of these two the more I'm convience that they're going to be immensely good - a true step up for 3DS I think. Needs a massive marketing push for both AC and Pokemon, have seen a number of ads for AC so should see great sales in the coming weeks.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Retro better not just be doing Donkey Kong games from now on >_<
Nintendo has enough platformers!

Nintendo does badly need more diversity - New Yoshi,New Mario, New Donkey Kong......none of them look very "new" at all really.

( Edited 14.06.2013 19:49 by Darkflame )

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Same old Ninty spin! I have heard this all before which is so disappointing. Nintendo have already lost the 3 rd party support for this generation that they promised back at e3 2012 they would work so hard to get and have. They said the same before n64 and GameCube launches and this generation is going to play out the same I am afraid. Although I am keen to play all their new first party games like always, I am surprised that everything they showed at e3 this year was very safe. They haven't been able to show a game that really says "this is what the WiiU can do and why you as a consumer should be interested!" I really hope I'm wrong but Nintendo have stuffed up this launch so badly that I can't see them selling well with the WiiU over time. (Especially seeing the price of the PS4 which will not have to worry about 3 rd party whatsoever!) 

When in doubt....Whip it out!

Hynaman said:
Same old Ninty spin! I have heard this all before which is so disappointing. Nintendo have already lost the 3 rd party support for this generation that they promised back at e3 2012 they would work so hard to get and have. They said the same before n64 and GameCube launches and this generation is going to play out the same I am afraid. Although I am keen to play all their new first party games like always, I am surprised that everything they showed at e3 this year was very safe. They haven't been able to show a game that really says "this is what the WiiU can do and why you as a consumer should be interested!" I really hope I'm wrong but Nintendo have stuffed up this launch so badly that I can't see them selling well with the WiiU over time. (Especially seeing the price of the PS4 which will not have to worry about 3 rd party whatsoever!) 

FYI, the article above was about Nintendo and the many first party games they have in development. I thought you might like to know what the article you posted your rant in is about it.

its good to hear that new stuff will soon be coming out for 3DS.

shaka (guest) 15.06.2013#7

Sonic_13 said:
Hynaman said:
Same old Ninty spin! I have heard this all before which is so disappointing. Nintendo have already lost the 3 rd party support for this generation that they promised back at e3 2012 they would work so hard to get and have. They said the same before n64 and GameCube launches and this generation is going to play out the same I am afraid. Although I am keen to play all their new first party games like always, I am surprised that everything they showed at e3 this year was very safe. They haven't been able to show a game that really says "this is what the WiiU can do and why you as a consumer should be interested!" I really hope I'm wrong but Nintendo have stuffed up this launch so badly that I can't see them selling well with the WiiU over time. (Especially seeing the price of the PS4 which will not have to worry about 3 rd party whatsoever!) 

FYI, the article above was about Nintendo and the many first party games they have in development. I thought you might like to know what the article you posted your rant in is about it.

He/she is giving his/her opinion about the Wii U.  So what's the beef?  If Nintendo doesn't release any 1st party games then how are they going to sell more Wii U hardware units.  Wii U is selling terribly at the moment.  All the games that might increase hardware sales they announced aren't coming till 2014.  3rd party developers aren't willing to make games for the system if the install base is so low.  So it's all connected.  What's the beef again?

shaka (guest) said:
He/she is giving his/her opinion about the Wii U.  So what's the beef?  If Nintendo doesn't release any 1st party games then how are they going to sell more Wii U hardware units.  Wii U is selling terribly at the moment.  All the games that might increase hardware sales they announced aren't coming till 2014.  3rd party developers aren't willing to make games for the system if the install base is so low.  So it's all connected.  What's the beef again?

I'm all for someone stating their opinion. It just seemed like another generic rant about third party support in an article that isn't about third party support. He/she also starts out decrying Nintendo's spin. What spin? That they are making more first party games like the article says?

It's great that you are defending him/her, yet what you are defending isn't even what he or she said.

Also, there are several titles that were announced that are coming in 2013 that will sell systems. They were not all 2014.

I fully understood what the article was about Sonic_13 and as Shaka stated I was just expressing an opinion on what we call "Forums". They are places where one is able to state opinions and share thoughts on a range of topics. 

In regards to my "generic rant", I was just expressing how I felt. Obviously you could not relate to what I expressed and it is no big deal. 


When in doubt....Whip it out!
hi nintendo (guest) 15.06.2013#10

smash bros,pokemon, the legend of zelda on 3ds awesome......................NEED to BUY a 3DS

Guys! Hold the phone.

Before this escalates into a potential argument, yes, Nintendo have admitted that their line-up at the moment (for Wii U in particular) hasn't been up to scratch.

I can understand why some people maybe wary about what Nintendo has been saying.

But there are good games coming in the next twelve months including the new Mario Kart, Wii Fit etc that should boost the system's ownership and subsequently third parties.

I am curious about the XBox One and PS4 - if their pricing can really pull in as many consumers now as the PS3/Xbox 360 did in their hayday. We could end up seeing reduced third party output on these platforms too, or at least third parties scaling back across the board.

Wii U could be a good position with pricing - PS4 isn't far off, but Xbox One I can't see having a healthy future at its current RRP.

Anyway, returning back to the Wii U and 3DS comments - yes Nintendo have said similar things before and haven't delivered on occasion, but from what we do know is that there a range of good games out this year. Perhaps lacking third party support, and I for one do get disappointed in certain games missing the Wii U / Nintendo boat, but I am satisfied with that's to come for Nintendo in the next 6 months.

3DS I think has a healthier outlook and there will be new games announced in future Nintendo Directs for both consoles.

( Edited 15.06.2013 10:02 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Darkflame said:
Retro better not just be doing Donkey Kong games from now on >_<
Nintendo has enough platformers!

Nintendo does badly need more diversity - New Yoshi,New Mario, New Donkey Kong......none of them look very "new" at all really.

AAANNDDDD...I just heard elsewhere Retro really are just doing Donkey Kong...what a mind blowing waste and a contradictory move by Nintendo.
Their actions arnt matching their words Smilie

I thought Retro was working on either Metroid or something else for the past few years now, but nope.
Apperently just Donkey Kong platformers Smilie

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