E3 2013 | Super Smash Bros. Won't Have 3DS to Wii U Cross-Platform Play

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.06.2013 11

E3 2013 | Super Smash Bros. Won

Whilst having similar games, the Wii U and 3DS versions of Super Smash Bros. won't feature cross-platform play.

Speaking in an interview with week with Joystiq, series producer Masahiro Sakurai explained that because each version has different stages, cross-platform play simply won't work. So those hoping to perhaps use their 3DS consoles as controllers for the Wii U edition will sadly not be able to.

Cross-platform play isn't a foreign idea either - Capcom successfully integrated both the 3DS and Wii U versions of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, adding a new layer of immersion for series fans.

That said, because both versions of Super Smash Bros. are being developed at the same time, there will be the option to take characters developed on the 3DS edition and transfer them onto the Wii U. Sakurai highlighted that these features won't be limited to costumes or repetitive tasks, and feels that different costumes would take away from what makes each custom character unique.

What are your thoughts - would you have wanted cross platform compatibility in the new Super Smash Bros. titles?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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I thought the whole point of it being on both was the cross platform play. I'm sure they originally said there would be. 

Guttin that. I'm going to get both versions anyway but would like to play my friends with a WiiU version against there 3DS version. Smilie

This was obvious wasn't it? I mean look how different the games are graphics wise, I sorta knew this was coming. Still bringing characters from the 3ds version to wii u sounds good, which means they'll most likely be characters exclusive to each version.

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Trepe said:
I thought the whole point of it being on both was the cross platform play. I'm sure they originally said there would be. 

No, I don't believe they ever did. They said there would be compatibility between the two (as mentioned above) but never cross-play.

Sonic_13 said:
Trepe said:
I thought the whole point of it being on both was the cross platform play. I'm sure they originally said there would be. 

No, I don't believe they ever did. They said there would be compatibility between the two (as mentioned above) but never cross-play.

Well I'm glad they aren't wasting time with a pointless option of using the 3DS as a controller for the Wii U...that's just stupid. BUT at the same time I would like to play against people on the Wii U with my 3DS & vise Versa, still at least characters can be copied & shared on both versions. Not quite a nice as playing against people in DOA5+ on both Vita & ps3 but it's still good that you can have the ENTIRE roster on both platforms.

I wonder if they'll have handheld exclusive characters for the 3DS version....Shante, Soma Cruz, Maxim & Megaman Zero anyone!??!?!!!!! 

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Haven't followed the development of Smash Bros as closely as I have in the past, but I too thought the whole point of developing these games concurrently and releasing them simultaneously was that there was going to be close interaction -- including cross play.

Sony's Smash Bros clone Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale currently features cross play between the PS3 and Vita. So this is very possible to do and has a precedent in the industry.

This was obvious wasn't it?

I don't think it was. A difference in fidelity doesn't automatically mean the two games could not interact at all. The hitboxes need to be the same size and fighting engine properties need to match up. Beyond that the models merely having a different style doesn't guarantee the two couldn't work together.

Anyhow, I don't think this news is a horrible calamity by any means, just more of a missed opportunity.

It's a shame, but I half expected as much. Am intrigued about the custom character the most. Vain I maybe in saying, but would love to play as myself with Link's movesets. Another way to beat my little brother lOL

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i think it should be cross platform or they might be mistaken.

My only problem is that the 3DS version is gimping the WiiU version since Sakurai wants the character rosters to be the same in both versions. :/

Ifrit XXII said:
My only problem is that the 3DS version is gimping the WiiU version since Sakurai wants the character rosters to be the same in both versions. :/

This is my only worry about the game atm, he did mention after he said this though that he's trying his best to get as many characters as possible in it.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Trepe said:
I thought the whole point of it being on both was the cross platform play. I'm sure they originally said there would be. 

I'm with Trepe on this one. I was convinced from the moment they announced the two versions that there would be full cross-play. I can't believe that I made that up in my head and Nintendo never referenced cross-play. 

If the two games are supposed to have "some kind of interaction" and it ISN'T cross-play... then what is it? You can transfer your name/trophy data from one to the other? Just like saving Brawl data onto a Wii remote? 

Come on, Nintendo... you're really blue-balling me here. Why release two games at the same time with the same name and same roster if you can't do anything with them together? Having cross play between the two would be a MASSIVE opportunity for Nintendo to have some kind of online presence worth noting. 

I'm pretty bummed about this. 

( Edited 19.06.2013 06:43 by Red XIII )

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