Microsoft Employees Disrupting Wii U Best Buy Events

By Javier Jimenez 13.06.2013 22

Microsoft Employees Disrupting Wii U Best Buy Events on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Reports are filtering in from the net that Microsoft employees have been actively disrupting the Wii U E3 demo kiosks at Best Buy this week. The reps are reported to have asked such questions as "why would you buy a Wii U when Xbox One is right around the corner?"

Is this a coordinated effort by Microsoft? Maybe it's just random Microsoft employees taking the initiative? We don't know for sure, yet.

Whatever the case, Xbox One has been received poorly thus far. Given its horrendous online policies, we can't say we feel bad about it.

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I honestly wouldn't put it past Microsoft to pull a move like this at this point. They're in full damage control mode right now.

Isn't this kind of agency illegal? Directly arguing with the consumer telling them what not to buy? Consumers have the right to not be put on the spot like this without consent, appalling dirty behavior.

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Microsoft has got no balls at the moment, they wouldn't dare try this with a Sony PS4 Demo as they would get ripped to shreds, so they pick on a weaker oppenent who isn't even in a race with the Xbox One. Go Away Microsoft.

Bucky (guest) 13.06.2013#4

Would make more sense if the Microsoft reps asked "why would you buy a Wii U when PlayStation 4 is right around the corner?"

"Why buy a... *internet connection lost, unable to comment further*"

One day we'll look back at all this and laugh.
One day soon, when Microsoft no longer sell home consoles -.-'

You just have to look at Nintendo presentations from people like Iwata, Miyamoto and Masahiro to realize that Nintendo love games, and love that people play theirs. They are genuine, simply enjoying the experience of showing their games to the world while leaving the mud slinging to Sony and Microsoft.

They don't go on about extra media, they don't take jabs at the others, they just take pleasure in discussing games... they don't deserve being treated like this by Microsoft.

I do so hope that this isn't Microsoft's doing - I still have some respect left for them due to the Xbox and 360.

I would laugh in their face and yell, "QUALITY". 

Why would I buy a Wii U rather than wait for an XBOX One?  Because I like to play video games.

Marcus J. Hopkins said:
Why would I buy a Wii U rather than wait for an XBOX One?  Because I like to play video games.

But wouldn't you rather watch TV!?!?!


Problem is: People are susceptible to such a crap. They will go 'You are right! I'll wait till XBO!' and leave.
Nintendo isn't doing anything bad, they deliver their games and walk a road to us gamers with titles scribed as 'child games'. But they are at least as funny and as entertaining as the uptenth iteration of shooters or 3rd-person-games the other two and their publishers are pulling of. But these latter look much bigger and better because they lure the eye with graphics and sound. Like Emmerichs movies aren't really good, they are just big.

And then these execs are running around and draining Nintendo of the hard earned small success they wrenched from the industry and hinder people, who are convinced by the Best-Buy-demo-booths to buy a WiiU...? That's very lame, man.
But you know what? That's exactly the thing I think Microsoft would pull off. These are the same guys, that put a subroutine in their Windows, that said: "If DOS != MS-DOS then quit with strange error message at start" back in the 1990s.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Man, there are so many things I could yell to those employees.

Well hopefully, I say hopefully, people will look beyond it and see these brilliant visuals of Mario, Mario Kart etc and just give it ago. You're there, so why not?

Nintendo definitely need to up their game when it comes to events like this. More please! Ideally a dedicated demo booth in stores like these - keep the hype going!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I wouldn't be surprised if this is true. Microsoft isn't averse to underhand tactics.

I've never been a fan of their consoles from the start because they've always been about guns and explosions and big spectacles. You can find other types of games if you look hard enough, but X boxes are the console to have if you want to be a virtual killer. I have no problem with violent games per se, but it's unhealthy when that's just about all you play. Microsoft have created a generation of gamers who think being a hard core gamer means being a hard core killer.

I'm going off on a tangent because I think Microsoft has impacted video games culture for the worse and I can't see myself ever buying one of their consoles. 

How many sources? where?

I am skeptical of this sort of news really. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

I would expect this from sony reps but not Microsoft since they aren't short of money...ever. IF MS is actually using this as a tactic then they've just given me a legitimate reason to despise them like sony.

( Edited 14.06.2013 16:10 by Vorash Kadan )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Darkflame said:
How many sources? where?

I am skeptical of this sort of news really.

just in case you didn't see the link in the main post:

maybe they are jealous of WII U.

jcags said:
Darkflame said:
How many sources? where?

I am skeptical of this sort of news really.

just in case you didn't see the link in the main post:

They dont answer my questions either. :-/
Multiple implies 2 or more.....but they dont say from who. Random anom tips? sure, but you need more then 2 for a story.
Are they about the same store? or are the tips from different locations?

I am not convienced theres enough evidence here for a conclusion. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

If this is case it screams of desperation from microsoft.
I still think Microsoft were some how led to believe Sony were going to oerate a simular drm model on Ps4, but wether or not thats the case, given public reaction Microsoft are going to have a Hard time with Xbone.

daJeyMan (guest) 16.06.2013#20

Three words:

Third. Console. Curse.

I swear it could happen AGAIN. Especially with the Xbone already boned at the hands of a rather pissed off industry populace. So much so, in fact, that DAMAGE CONTROL is probably the biggest UNDERSTATEMENT of the entire generation to come. Oh what the hell, they probably f**ked themselves good on that one, to the point where their collective d***s have left wide, menacing holes in their sore a** toes. Goodbye Xbox... hello to everyone else!!!

Darkflame said:
jcags said:
Darkflame said:
How many sources? where?

I am skeptical of this sort of news really.

just in case you didn't see the link in the main post:

They dont answer my questions either. :-/
Multiple implies 2 or more.....but they dont say from who. Random anom tips? sure, but you need more then 2 for a story.
Are they about the same store? or are the tips from different locations?

I am not convienced theres enough evidence here for a conclusion.

How about this as evidence:

Thanks, but I've got a cable box for that.

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