E3 2013 | Share Miiverse Posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Tumblr

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.06.2013 5

E3 2013 | Share Miiverse Posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Tumblr on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have updated the web/browser version of Miiverse to include support for linking to Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and Tumblr.

The web browser version of the popular Nintendo social networking service now allows players to share individual posts on popular social networks like Facebook and Twitter with the click of a button in individual posts.

Unfortunately at time of writing there isn't a preview or default personalisation on the shares, for example "JB's Miiverse Post", but the shared link does allow non-Miiverse users to view the post.

The social network features aren't in the Wii U version of Miiverse yet, as it would likely require players to have to leave Miiverse and authenticate via their Wii U browser instead.

Image for E3 2013 | Share Miiverse Posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Tumblr

Will you share your Miiverse posts on other social networks?

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Our member of the week

It's poorly done IMHO. They might as well not have done anything, the way they did it. If i share something on FB, i want to be able to show it to any of the people in my contacts on there. Heck, this could even attract people's attention to the Wii U, even more.

They could also implement linking your miiverse account to your FB account through a FB app that you would need to let publish in your name on your timeline, this isn't totally unheard of. I normally never let an app publish in my name on my timeline, but for Miiverse, I'd make an exception.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

^ Agree Rudy - it comes up with a generic message and logo, unfortunately, though they can always fix and change that going forward. The dedicated app sounds good - though they'll probably integrate that with mobile.

Definitely possible to link Facebook accounts with Miiverse, heck here on C3 I would do that but I don't think people would want their C3 posts showing on FB all the time lol

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Our member of the week

jb said:
Definitely possible to link Facebook accounts with Miiverse, heck here on C3 I would do that but I don't think people would want their C3 posts showing on FB all the time lol

Yeah but I mean Miiverse lets you draw or share interesting screenshots. It's something that shouldn't require a lot of efforts to make it so that people on FB can see what exactly you posted on Miiverse, be it drawings or anything.

And like I said, people seeing what pretty drawings you made may want to be part of the fun too, discover they can only do that on Wii U, and want to get the console for themselves. It's easy and FREE advertising, right there!! Let Wii U lovers show to others how fun a system it is to play around with.

( Edited 12.06.2013 22:57 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Just like so many other Miiverse features I'm sure this will be tweaked and adjusted overtime.

Definitely a good way to advertise Wii U and make people aware of Miiverse.

I use Miiverse all the time, especially now that there is a web interface. It's probably my favorite new video game feature of the past 5 years. Just keep posting exclusive to Wii U owners.

( Edited 13.06.2013 01:25 by Sonic_13 )

thats looks nice.

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