E3 2013 | Miyamoto Discusses Pikmin 3 Wii U Approaches in Developer Video

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.06.2013 1

E3 2013 | Miyamoto Discusses Pikmin 3 Wii U Approaches in Developer Video on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In an E3 Developer Direct video, Shigeru Miyamoto discussed the development of Pikmin 3 on Wii U.

The team didn't make the upcoming game "simply to extend the series", but because the hardware allows for a greater level of AI and visual enhancements. "It feels Wii U was made for Pikmin", Miyamoto highlighted. In this third installment the game has a more relaxed approach - players can take their time to complete the game with a far greater daytime limit.

Boss battles and Pikmin health also pace out, with battles acting in a more progressive way. For example, a boss could take a significant amount of damage one day and have the same level the next, so players can essentially finish the job after a night's rest.

Miyamoto also discusses the three different modes available - the traditional Pikmin setup in Story Mode, a mission feature with stricter restrictions and a multiplayer mode - where players try to get a bingo in a highly competitive two player feature.

Gamers can play with a Wii Remote/Nunchuck, the GamePad alone, off-TV and the Wii Pro Controller for a variety of different ways of experiencing Pikmin 3.


Will you be heading on a Pikmin 3 adventure this year on Nintendo Wii U?

Box art for Pikmin 3








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"Bingo Battle" really caught my attention. I can definitely see myself playing that with friends/family, especially people who don't normally play Pikmin (or even games that often).

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