E3 2013 | Nintendo Close to Showing Legend of Zelda Wii U, Wanted to Debut at E3

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.06.2013 8

E3 2013 | Nintendo Close to Showing Legend of Zelda Wii U, Wanted to Debut at E3 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Shigeru Miyamoto has teased that Nintendo were considering revealing the next generation Wii U Zelda during this year's E3.

The father of all things Super Mario Bros and Legend of Zelda was quizzed GameInformer on the new game, confirming that the project is "progressing fairly concretely" and that "we were thinking about showing it here at E3 but decided to wait just a little bit longer before sharing it with everyone."

With more frequent Nintendo Direct presentations aired throughout the year, who knows when the Legend of Zelda successor will appear - it is said to be attempting to shake up the series more so than ever before, however.

What are you hoping to see in the next Legend of Zelda adventure?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild





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I'm hoping "just a little big longer" means in the next few months.

Before Nintendo started doing Nintendo Directs, this probably would have meant that we would have to wait until next E3 to see anything.

These days, we could see it anytime Smilie

I was EAGERLY anticipating something on the newest Zelda game.  Not getting anything on the Direct was the only real disappointment for me.

Sonic_13 said:
Before Nintendo started doing Nintendo Directs, this probably would have meant that we would have to wait until next E3 to see anything.

These days, we could see it anytime Smilie

On the contrary. If it wasn't for regular Nintendo directs we would have seen it at E3, but they know they can show it when they feel like it so we have to wait longer. Revealing things so frequently lessen the impact they have at events like E3 too. 

Maybe at TGS?

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Trepe said:
Sonic_13 said:
Before Nintendo started doing Nintendo Directs, this probably would have meant that we would have to wait until next E3 to see anything.

These days, we could see it anytime Smilie

On the contrary. If it wasn't for regular Nintendo directs we would have seen it at E3, but they know they can show it when they feel like it so we have to wait longer. Revealing things so frequently lessen the impact they have at events like E3 too. 

Not necessarily. They already had two Zelda games on show and everyone knows Nintendo likes to take their time to get things right. Their instinct was to spend more time on it before revealing and that feeling would likely have overrode any desire to rush and show it at this E3 so they wouldn't have to wait a year for next E3.

I'm pretty sure they'll wait with it until AFTER TWW HD and ALBW. Too much Zelda at once!

Canyarion said:
I'm pretty sure they'll wait with it until AFTER TWW HD and ALBW. Too much Zelda at once!

That makes sense. TWW HD is for October and ALBW is apparently for November according to the official E3 page. December, perhaps? Maybe even November and they'll just wait for TWW HD to be out for a month or so.

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