E3 2013 | Play Zelda, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D World on 12/15 June

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.06.2013 2

E3 2013 | Play Zelda, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D World on 12/15 June on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Reggie Fils-Aime has confirmed the games the pubic will be able to play at the Nintendo Experience event at Best Buy. There'll be demos for four upcoming Wii U titles to play in store on 12th June (4pm - 8pm) and 15th (1 - 5pm).

The four Wii U games will be:

  • The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
  • Super Mario 3D World
  • Mario Kart 8
  • Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

To see if Nintendo will be at a Best Buy near you, visit the Official Best Buy Website.


Will you be heading down to Best Buy to sample the latest Mario Kart and 3D Mario game?

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I don't think we could have asked for a better selection of titles to be played! I will definitely be stopping by my Best Buy.

( Edited 11.06.2013 20:31 by Sonic_13 )

nintendo use the e-shop

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