E3 2013 | Another Look at Wii Party U in Action

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.06.2013

E3 2013 | Another Look at Wii Party U in Action on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's time to party on Wii U as Nintendo has revealed new mini games for Wii Party U.

The latest in the Wii Party range offers numerous new mini-games that involve the Wii U GamePad in mind. In "Lost-and-Found Square", the GamePad player is lost in a playground and must describe his/her surroundings to other players.

There'll also be the ability to post game impressions of sessions directly to Miiverse and rate the session from one-to-five star after a match is over. For fans of traditional table games, there'll also be off-TV support for a range of different "Tabletop Minigames" including foosball and baseball.

There'll also be 80 mini-games that can be played solo with the GamePad only.

Wii Party U is due for release this October.

Image for E3 2013 | Another Look at Wii Party U in Action
Image for E3 2013 | Another Look at Wii Party U in Action
Image for E3 2013 | Another Look at Wii Party U in Action

What are your thoughts on the new Wii Party U?

Box art for Wii Party U

Nd Cube







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