E3 2013 | Bayonetta Gets a New Look on the Wii U

By Stuart Lawrence 11.06.2013 2

E3 2013 | Bayonetta Gets a New Look on the Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo showed off a new trailer for Bayonetta 2 at their E3 Nintendo Direct today, and also released new screens and an even longer trailer than shown in the Direct. Bayonetta also has a new look, which may come as a pleasant surprise to some. The Sequel to the critically acclaimed Bayonetta expands upon its predecessor with new gameplay features, including:

• New weapons and abilities, In exchange for magic points, Bayonetta can unleash a new
ability called Umbra Climax to summon demonic monsters and deliver mighty attacks
repeatedly. As well as new moves and torture attacks.

• Normal and Touch play styles. Allowing the player to switch between the regular mode in the previous game, or use touch screen controls to manipulate Bayonetta to their will.

• Bayonetta's longtime friend and fellow Umbra Witch, Jeanne, appears in the game
(as a non-playable character) to assist Bayonetta in performing combination attacks
and in doling out intense punishment against enemies.

• and Off Screen Play

Image for E3 2013 | Bayonetta Gets a New Look on the Wii U

Image for E3 2013 | Bayonetta Gets a New Look on the Wii U


Bayonetta 2 is scheduled for release in 2014.

What do you think of Bayonetta's new look? Are you looking forward to this next year?

Box art for Bayonetta 2








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OOOOOHH YEAH. Clearly Nintendo only financed them, thank God.


~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~
donic (guest) 12.06.2013#2

oh my gosh she is hotter

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